-Interview with VyC ARG-

Day 2,593, 04:21 Published in Turkey Ireland by tahaua

Türkçe çevirisi daha sonra eklenecektir.


First of all merry christmas bro!!!!

1)Can you introduce yourself to us? Name,Age,City and job?

My name s Adrian, 40 ys old, Im from Buenos Aires (Argentine) and I work at finances, married and have two little daugters.

2)When did you decide to start to game? What was your First MU?

I started three years ago. I always played on-line games but this is the best (till the day i get bored, xd). I created my account and joined "Ejercito Imperial" Mu. I really didnt understand anything and asked and asked to my commander till i got him exhausted, lol. I always asked "and why are we fighting for xx", then "and why are we attacking xx", and .... I was really a "hard stone for him", xd.
I also fought and fought without understanding that i needed to train without fighting. And suddenly i realised i rised my level and have a very weak account. So i decided to close that account and created a new one. But that time i ve made some friends ingame and one of them told me to keep his account (this one) and later he gave up the game and left it to me. (it was a non-visa account but a stronge one)

3)You are the first legend of Turkey well done!!!,why did you choose Turkey?

its truth, i set my name in the game, xd (VyC= Valentina and Carolina, my daughters name). I was waiting for some new ranks, but i didnt imagine they could be in this way.
Why Turkey?? I m in Turkey since some months. Many old (or middle old) argentinean players have our great love in EDEN. Any of us can forget that time. That alliance was a great brotherhood, nor convenience. Thats why a year ago, i decided to "visit" some of them. I started with Romania, then Portugal, then i ve been some time in SLovenia (they re also great friends and help a lot) and i still needed to visit Greece and Turkey (those are my top5 countries). Greece has become a "strange" friend since gama so that i decided going to TUrkey. And I should also say that i moved there when you won the gold mine and we werent allies, but turkish congress didnt doubt a minute: they gave me the cs in minutes.

4)Some people are suprising when see your profile for fighting for Turkey (despite u re an Argentinian),how it feel when Tr-Arg are at different sides? and what about Tr-Argentina relationship?

You know, im not a "terrorist" or something like that. But i have my own way of seeing the game. ANy goverment or alliance will make me change it. Since ASteria and Sirius, I, and many argentinean, knew it would be almost impossible to see us fighting against Turkey or Croatia.
Croatia once decided to fight very hard against us trying to help Brazil to get congress (Brazil belonged to Sirius and had been erased by Argentine for a year) and at that time everything changes in our relationship with Croatia (they also didnt get it, xd). Then we sent them away from India and so on. But i can say that 99% of argentinean never fought against Turkey, at the same time I personally never saw Turkey fighting hard against Argentine.
Its to say: brotherhood cant be broken by an alliance!!!
I hope we can keep this brotherhood for a long time despite the alliances.

5)What is the your favorite alliance in all time? and why?

I really dont believe in alliances. They re only for convenience. Powerfull countries prefer to get their 100/100 instead of giving congress to their members. I saw and see it all the time. Thats not an alliance!!! Every country almost always think about their own profit.
But...tell me why chine got erased being an Asteria member while the other members are playing their own game??? Tell me how many times Bulgary or Fyrom got without congress while Chile or Croatia are playing their own game??
You know, i prefer to tall about friends (really friend and not alliances). I dont need co to fight for a friend country. I can spend all the bars i have for a friend country. Romania, for example, a few days ago lost many lands by Bulgary cause they all fought for Argentine against Polland...that is brotherhood!!!!
ANyway, i dont know if it was the best or the worst, but Eden was the most friendly alliance i saw in my e.years.

6)What is your wiew for game politics and game economy?

Ufff, i really hate e.politics!! I see here the same i see in real life. You can find everything.
We saw players who stole their treasure (they didnt steal Plato, they robbed to their friends, to their own people!!!).
Im not talking only about Argentine and also im not talking only about money. I know everything that happens in our e.country, so its almost impossible for me to come back anytime. I prefer to be far away so i dont manage whatever they do (CPs and congressmen). At least being outside i dont know what happens in my "new countries", xd.
About economy, i think that the game needs many changes. I ve many ideas but they re large to explain now. But i could say that they should realise that today there are much more q7 factories that years before so less players need to buy at market. Today its much more easy to reach the TP medal than some time ago (its still in 100kk but we have double or triple strengh). I think it would be nice if we can sell and buy bars (with a daily limit), etc

7)Do you want add something?

What would i add??
a) I d like Plato to quit the CO. I hate them!!! COs go against frienship and the spiryt of the game. Everyday its worse!! Any player can win by himself a battle if he set CO at every level at every round!!! That sounds fair!!
b) I d like to see Turkey at the same side of Argentine again (i know its diffifult because of the allies, the enemies, and all that...but i hope so)

Last message for everybody: Remember this is just a game. We choose to be here because we enjoy it and make friends. I found many friends in Argentine and many e.friends in the whole world (allies and enemies, i ve lot of e.chilenan friends). And finally, a special mention to PAMPAS Mu: I found there a MU of friends which we message by wsup everyday and we met some times with our families. This s one of the best sides of this nice game.


Merry Christmas guys 🙂