10 alarming facts about the Templierii party

Day 2,574, 14:14 Published in Romania Israel by Yankel Edelmann

They may be young and dumb, but they swear they’ve got the Iron guard stuff. eRomania’s got a new bund of bros, dubbed Nazi hipsters, or Nipsters. Likes include hatemonglering, antisemitism and ultra religious rants.

Here are 10 random facts about the Templierii Nipsters.

1. They’re racists.
What are the odds on that, right? eJews don’t belong in eRomania because, “It’s against nature — eRomania belongs to eRomanians. I don't see any eRomanians in eIsrael, do I???” proclaimed a Nipster leader to Zionism Today while sending more Gold to eHungarian soldiers.

2. They speak in codes.
Since it's not exactly legal to incite to race hate on the web and call yourself a national-socialist, nipsters refer to themselves as “nationalists.” They actually like the term nipster, because they think they’re sprucing up the image of fascism for the iPhone generation. (Good luck with that, fellas.)

3. They feel persecuted, kinda like . . .
One young programmer who didn’t give his real name told Zionism Today he’d lost a lot of friends in eRepublik and was even banned from some Military Units due to his politics: “We’re the new Jews in Germany,” he said, “except we don’t wear stars.”
Stelisu96 also stated that there is a whole conspiracy against his party. Most likely, the ones behind the heinous conspiracy are none others than the game admins. Read more here. I'm sorry dude, all I have to say is this -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHgxOXEQaFU

4. They have violent fans.
Today’s extremist Templierii party, which some call an heir to the dying eLAM party, is mainly associated with anti-everything that is not eRomanian rhetoric. An independent agency that tracks extremist activity on eRepublik says there are some 920 neo-Nazis in eRomania, including about 600 who are violence-minded but totally useless as soldiers in a war.

5. They’ve got hurt feelings about all the bad publicity and stuff.
“Hitler isn’t part of our era, but he’s part of our ideology, and that time, in terms of aesthetics and discipline and brotherhood, was a model for today,” one of Templierii ex-eLAM meber told Zionism Today.

He blamed the eHungarians for World War IV and said people should pay more attention to Poland's crimes when talking about the eRomanian invasion of eBulgaria.