[Voice of Asteria] NEW HQ

Day 2,549, 13:06 Published in Greece Romania by Asteria HQ

Greetings citizens of Asteria,

Another term has passed, and the time has come to reveal Asteria's new HQ. Last term was very successful for our alliance, and for LETO, and we shall continue the hard work and dedication they showed, ensuring that we maintain our position, and power across the eWorld!
So, without further delay, Asteria's new HQ is as follows:

SG- Informer

After serving many times in Asteria HQ, under the SC department and Logistics, as well as recently finishing his term as Iranian CP, and having over a year of experience in MoD roles, Informer is a great military mind, and will be a fantastic SG of Asteria.

dSG- Aradjanski Branko

Aradjanski Branko is a veteran of the Serbian government. He has served as MoD, MoFA and vCP during his time, and even contributed to the defeat of CoT! Having also served as Asteria SG previously, he is a great candidate for dSG, ready to help Informer with any thing he may need!

SoFA- Ektonosiakos

The first SG of Asteria,and in total 4 times SG, Ektonosiakos is one of the most experienced politicians you could hope for to be SoFA. He has had literally years of experience working in politics, both on the national and international scale.


LutherKiing has been Brazil's MoFA many times, and also vCP. Via impeachment, he has also been CP, showing that he is able to adapt, and work in situations that are constantly changing, perfect for the world of foreign affairs!

dSoFA-Desert Hamster

Again, another veteran of Serbian politics, Desert Hamster has served 4 terms as the CP of Serbia, as well as holding many ministerial roles as well. All this experience makes him a very capable dSoFA.

Amongst Ektonosiakos, LutherKiing and Desert Hamster, the Asterian SoFA department is in strong gads, and we have the utmost faith in them that they shall do a fantastic job!

Military Team (SC)


Previous CP of Slovenia and captain of one of the most famous Asterian military units, mlena is a friendly face great asset to Asteria HQ! She has served in Asteria since the beginning, and has been in HQ for countless months, make=ing her an invaluable member of HQ yet again!


Adsyo is another experienced military leader, having served in our HQ team for 6 terms, and been MoD for Argentina. He has shown dedication to his work, and excelled in it, and has been very successful in his military actions.

Ariel MAteu

Ariel MAteu is Argentina's current MoD, he has severed previously under the SC team, and held SC itself. He has served as his country's CP, and has the much needed military experience that makes him perfect to serve once again under the SC team!


R1sk3 was Serbian CP when they expelled Chile from Italy and France. He has been SC and dSC of Asteria, as well as serving 4 times in the Serbian MoD. His experience in his field makes him a perfect candidate for this post!

Soy Malvinas

Soy Malvinas is currently the Argentinian CP. He has served as MoD multiple times and in the Asteria SC team also. He is a great leader and military tactical planner, having achieved much success in organising Argentinas military success.

Public Relations

Mr Sherlock Holmes

AKA: Saiwun- He has served 4 times as Australian MoFA, and once as CP. He has also been LETO SG, dSG, aSG, dSoFA and dSC. Being real life British, English is his first language, and as consequence, is capable of detailing Asteria's news and information!

From all at Asteria HQ, we wish our allied governments and citizens the best of luck this term, have fun!



Hail Argentina
Hail Brazil
Hail China
Hail Greece
Hail Romania
Hail Serbia
Hail Slovenia