[VM714PP!] Vote for VoodooMike71!

Day 2,549, 12:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by VoodooMike71

A couple of days ago I announced my intention to run for PP. Since then I’ve had a bunch of support from people within the party. Which is good 🙂

In my last article I laid out the key objectives I’d go for if I become TUP PP. They are:

Stability - can we all agree that it’d be nice for the party to be run by the party for a change? Not by an elite few, BigAnt and Vendetta, or DC?

Entertainment - you know. Fun. That stuff you’re supposed to have in a game.

Mass involvement - in other words, YOU. Doing stuff that makes the party better.

Longevity - an end to constantly swapping and changing PP, and changing direction every time.

Lots of people having fun staying on trikes for a while…
...or stability, entertainment, mass involvement and longevity if you prefer

This time I’ll highlight a few ideas that I hope would make it a successful presidency, and what you can do to help.

Advisory Council
I’ll set up a group of active people who want to help TUP improve - they’ll put the Unity back into TUP. This group - headed up by the Secretary General - will discuss anything and everything party-related, make decisions on what we do, and playing a huge role in maintaining party democracy. All important stuff.

the AC is unlikely to be this big

Ents Officer
The party spokesman will be in charge of ramping up entertainment within the party. Whether they choose to set up a group to do this, or cover it themselves, will be up to them. All I want out of it is a lot more Party (this metaphor thing isn’t going to work for much longer).

meet the TUP entertainments team

We’re a party based on sound political principles. This needs to be transferred to our participation in Congress. Overseen by The (phew) Councillor, anyone who wants a shot at Congress should get the chance to be a Congressman, regardless of their background or experience. I want to see a much stronger connection between the party, the advisory council and congressmen, so that TUP provides a united front.

Congress - nuff said

We’ve stopped the rot in terms of a declining membership, but we need to get back to being the biggest party in the UK. Our tradition of allowing young players to develop by getting them involved puts us in a good position when recruiting new people, but - frankly - we should be stealing members from other much crapper parties. The Secretary General will head this up with a simple brief - get TUP back to being no.1.

eRepublik - like baseball, but with guns and newspapers and politics

Obviously, Rome wasn’t built in a day and all that, so it’s unreasonable to expect massive success in all these areas overnight. That’s why I’ve said, up front, I want to be PP for more than one term. I want to get all this running and oversee success in ALL these areas, and I’ll need time to do it. And if it doesn’t work? Then vote me out - I’ll understand (sniff).

Also, you’ll notice that I’ve mentioned four specific party roles and a bunch of other opportunities for people to work with me - for the party - if I become PP. Regardless of you past, how much experience you have or what your areas of interest are, I want active people to get involved in running our party for the benefit of everyone. So if you’re reading any of this and thinking “yeah man, I want some of that action” (speaking like a 70s pimp is not mandatory), then drop me a PM telling me what YOU want to do.

So there you have it. Over the course of the last two articles I’ve laid out what I want and what I will do as TUP PP, if you’re kind enough to elect me. I hope you’ve read this and agree with some, most or all of it.

And if you have, then I hope you’ll consider voting for me in a couple of days time. Go on - you know it makes sense 🙂

Delboy says ”Vote for VoodooMike71! Cushty!

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