Fed Fun / Media - September Fed Award Ceremony

Day 2,518, 21:52 Published in USA USA by Nick.Fury

A collaboration of the Fun & Media departments presents:

Monthly Fed Awards Ceremony for Those Whom Are Deserving Recognition

Welcome to the September Federalist Awards Ceremony tonight we are awarding those most deserving of random titles we came up with ... well just great oldies with new images but anyway here are your winners!!!!

Fed of Gold - Legendary Fed who's presence shoots out awesome sauce ...


- Runner Ups -

dk3dknight | Kevin Sheridan | Molly Emma | Nick Bergman | Scott Coyle Sr

Baby Fed of Gold - The most likely to be famous new comer ...


- Runner Ups -

Ace Viper | Orikfricai

Workaholic Fed - Who has put in the most hours ...

Scott Coyle Sr

- Runner Ups -

dk3dknight | Slybabymichele

Charismatic Fed - The one you could listen to all day ...

Trekker Tlumac

- Runner Ups -

dk3dknight | Slybabemichele | Tyler Bubblar | WookyJack

Nicest Fed - Who is the most helpful and kind ...

Trekker Tlumac

- Runner Ups -

darkapollo52 | dk3dknight | Slybabymichele | WookyJack

Smartest Fed - The brainiest of all the Feds ...


- Runner Ups -

BlondeNinja | dk3dknight | Eliwood Sain | Melissa Rose | Orikfricai | Scott Coyle, Sr. | Tyler Bubblar

Luckiest Fed - The one with the most luck ...

Tyler Bubblar

Kevin Sheridan

- Runner Ups -

Ace Viper | dk3dknight | Scott Coyle, Sr. | sniper80 | Trekker

Old Fart Fed - Old timer who will never leave us ...

Eliwood Sain

- Runner Ups -

dk3dknight | MourningStar | Trekker

Politico Fed - Most political fed ...

Tyler Bubblar

- Runner Ups -

Abraham Lincoln | Alexander_Auctoritas | Kevin Sheridan

Talkative Fed - Who is the most active in the conversation ...

Trekker Tlumac

- Runner Ups -

dk3dknight | Orikfricai

Idea Fed - Who has the most new thoughts and innovations ...

Kevin Sheridan

Scott Coyle Sr


- Runner Ups -

dk3dknight | Slybabymichele | Trekker

Controversial Fed - Who has summoned the most heat ...

Nick Bergman

- Runner Ups -

dk3dknight | Trekker | WookyJack

National Fed - The one who will be the next Tyler or Molly ...

Kevin Sheridan

- Runner Ups -

Trekker | Tyler Bubblar

Best Profile Avatar - Sexy and you know it ...

Nick Bergman

- Runner Ups -

Ace Viper | dk3dknight | Evil Elvis | Orikfricai | Scott Coyle Sr | Slybabymichele | Trekker

Best Forum Signature - Rocking it hard ...

Ace Viper

Nick Bergman

Scott Coyle Sr


Congradulations to all whom won an award and to those who are runners up keep up the good work as you might win that award next month. Been a great month FED's let's keep it up!

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3 x Congressman

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