Personal - Tyler Bubblar Part Deux

Day 2,509, 10:11 Published in USA USA by Nick.Fury

I have known Tyler Bubblar since I returned back in May, and from what I have learned about him he is a strong willed and very open to discussion. That's why when I made the original images I added the line " Great American Bridge " ... he truly is. I am very thankful to not only have had him as my American President this month but as a great Federalist, SHIELD Soldier and of course a fellow member of the Cool Kids Club ( cKc ).

It can be said that he was heavy on the domestic issues and wasn't able to accomplish much and was forced to even replace a number of the original Secretaries. I appreciate his public apology and recognition of it's failure but I know from behind the scenes that he is very active in getting answers and results, as the Deputy Director of the Census Bureau I have even been contacted directly by him.

He recently put the Press Secretary in charge of the Census Bureau Dave Gulya and with Dave's leadership we have already started a second contest. Tyler has spoken with Dave quite a bit asking for stats, plans and etc... so he has really kept his eyes on the departments.

Census Bureau - The United America contest is a Recruitment Drive to get new players to come to the eUSA. The total prize pool at the publishing of this article is 50 gold with the top prize being 25 gold.

I urge you to give Tyler a second shot as I know he will out preform his first month. He is a great communicator and doesn't allow politics to come between a solution. Everyone's first month as President is always the hardest and they tend to having amazing 2nd months. Just look at his former Boss ( when he was VP ) dmjohnston, he has become one of the greatest presidents in recent times and look at Molly Emma she handled the Sirius situation the best way it could have been handled.

Below is a further list of graphics any supporter of Tyler's second term are welcome and allowed to use in anyway they see fit!!!

Articles to Check Out:

TB4CP Endorsements:

[TB4CP] Endorsement ( Nick Bergman )

Census Bureau:

[DoCB] United America Contest ( My Article ) - 25 Gold Top Prize
[DoCB] S.O.S. Save our Ship ( Dave Guyla )
[DoCB] First United America Contest Entry ( Ghost of Tom Joad )

Other Major Contests:

[eUSA] Scavenger Hunt - Stop the Infection ( WookyJack ) - 3 War Stash Prizes
[WHPR] Think Big ( SColbert ) - Top Prize 15 Gold & 500 Tanks

Other Projects: