
Day 2,502, 09:12 Published in Greece Romania by Asteria HQ

By Asterios C (Greece) - PR


1. Don't pour the Rakia just yet
2. Armada of Nada
3. Reminiscing the Outback
4. Irish luck.. for Moldova
5. Chilling Plunge
6. Aurora Lights Dimming

1. Don't pour the Rakia just yet

Bulgaria has been in and out of the map a lot recently as Romania keeps pounding on its southern neighbor with unrelenting vigor. Liberated provinces are quickly reclaimed and morale has certainly taken a direct hit. In a last effort to save face, Bulgaria scheduled an operation to secure congress. When they started that Resistance War in Ruse on the 23rd, they couldn't have known they were in for an emotional roller-coaster. They did manage to free the region, but alas it was already too late! A glitch in the system, however, brought them to the ballot on the 25th. Bedazzled at first, but growing confident later, some Bulgarians were genuinely convinced that they will get to have congress after all. Now the elections procedures are over and the glitch revealed, it checks out they really don't. Ouch, Bulgaria!

2. Armada of Nada

Spaniards don't like it, of course, but Serbia is still riding the Iberian bull, denying them congress. With multiple strategic locations in the western Mediterranean Sea in their possession, Serbs seem to be developing a sweet tooth for some latin dolce vita and are not willing to give it up easily. Spain was pinning its hopes on its allies, but help never came. A sluggish Poland was apparently uninterested in repeating a rescue mission of this magnitude, as they have done in the past against Argentina .

3. Reminiscing the Outback

FYROM must certainly be growing desperate. Greece has once more overrun their original territories in time, so they don't get congress either. Canada hammered yet another nail to FYROM's coffin and crashed their ambition for a breakout by triumphantly defending Yukon from an Airstrike. Homeless and by now practically nomads they are now contemplating the hardships of e-living and look back to Australia as the paradise they were evicted from.

4. Irish luck.. for Moldova

Ireland appeared to have been caught off guard as Moldova glided over the rainbow to snatch the leprechauns' pot of gold. The small danubian country was gearing for action for quite some time now and this expedition to the British Isles gave them the opportunity they needed to flex their muscles and enjoy fighting in some heated battles. Surprisingly, the United Kingdom was unable to aid in repelling the invasion. Moldovans' strategy to concentrate on the Irish rather than the Brits have ultimately worked out for the best, given that Ireland was unable to elect congress representatives.

5. Chilling Plunge

The time when Chile dominated the game, controlling provinces in all quadrants of the globe that brought it riches and power, is now officially over. Serbia kicking it out of the southern coast of France was certainly a decisive blow. After that they seem to have lost their grip and a domino effect followed. A coordinated effort by Canada and France evicted them from Europe altogether. What's more, Argentina keeps cornering them down under in Australia . Chile lies beaten and bruised suffering losses to its bonuses and practically having retreated to its home continent of South America. Seeing a major player in international geopolitics going down, one cannot help but wonder: "What does the future hold for the imperial powerhouse of Aurora?"

6. Aurora Lights Dimming

Starting off as the well-oiled machine that just kept running no matter what, Aurora is now reduced to a mere ghost of its former competitive self. With many of its countries without congress, its major locomotive, Chile , crippled, and Asteria advancing against it in many fronts, growing stronger by the moment, is there any way Aurora can get back on its feet and on track? That's a question that certainly keeps its officials up at night. Has, perhaps, this pack of countries stuck together for too long?