[Garmr] Don't read this

Day 2,375, 17:11 Published in USA Poland by Garmr

Because what is an article without girls eh

Dear fellow citizens,

How ought members of congress be? Even more than in reality are we bombarded with the views and opinions of 'representatives', chosen in a system that Plato (the real one, not the oafish boss of these here lands) described to be close to tyranny, consumed by the pursuit of unnecessary desires. As we cannot change the game (we tried often enough) we are forced to not womanly weep but to become an Ubermensch in our eRes Publika and to properly guide our will to power.

Those more familiar with my writing may be somewhat surprised by this more serious look and lack of curses. Our heavenly father Plato has blessed me with numerous forfeit points for quite trivial reasons which sadly makes this article less full off boobs and brawn than you had hoped for.

Anyway, we continue. Skepticism is far from enough to function as member of congress, although it is an obvious important point to question all and every statement before you accept it as truth. To paraphrase a philosopher whose name I forgot 'ten doubts a day keeps the dead dogma's at bay'. However, truth is not as important as intention. Intention is key in politics. I could very well support a decrease in work tax to befriend the people who are in favor of it to later receive their support in other matters, rather than to support it because I feel it is for the common good.

To read intention is the first principal quality a member of congress must posses. It is even more visible in global politics, where I encountered something I coined the 'bro bro tactic' numerous times. Whoever is in need of support becomes your best friend for the duration of the battle. The domestic varieties of this 'bro bro tactic' are far more subtle but equally easy detectable once you become familiar with them. As Nietzsche, Marx and Freud before us, we most become masters of distrust.

The second principal quality is morality. I am very much Nietzschean in this aspect and I suspect a great many readers will poorly understand and waste my time with their comments, and infinitely worse, their own time, which they could have used more appropriately to educate themselves. Let me therefor say that it is my view that we must adhere to the old 'country > party > self', but also to forgive and forget. Many debates turn into a back and forth of personal attacks and issues long forgotten faster than, well, faster than a girl wiggles out of her yoga pants in my bedroom.
If anything, this form of rhetoric only makes opponents more staunchly oppose each other, even when it comes to trivial matters that could have easily been resolved.

Well Garmr, how has this all to do with us having to vote for you (or to be exact, to vote for We The People)?
I indeed admit I wrote this as election article, but as this game is so variable, it would be nonsense to write down what my intentions would be because it is impossible to predict what surprises will be thrown into our lap the coming month. Instead I wrote this, because I've seen a few congresses in my time and always disliked the dim-witted ways of some of my esteemed colleagues. If there is anything I prize myself in having, it is to cooperate with everyone. I'm currently in the Dutch cabinet together with someone who quite nearly impeached me a while ago. We're bestest of friends now, and I see far too little of that in this perma-grudge-elitist-yolo eUS of A. When there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm.

Yours swolely,

5x CP
37x minister
MoD in 4 countries
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