Flaming cheek!!

Day 2,256, 08:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Neil Lewis

OK admins, how was my previous article [http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/justice4mick-2365835/1/20 - no-one bother clicking as it's a dead link] classed as "flaming"?

from a source: Internet For beginners we get the following Q&A:

Question: What Is 'Flaming'?
Answer: 'Flaming', or 'to flame', means to attack someone verbally online. Flaming entails insults, bigotry, name-calling, or any outright hostility directed at a specific person. Often, flaming is the result of a heated difference of opinions on a topic, and it has devolved into childish bickering.

There are cases where someone is a repeat flamer: he/she insists on regularly attacking others as a daily habit. If so, we then call that person an Internet troll.

At what point was my article attacking the admins? I was supporting a friend who was hacked & not refunded by the admins. I did not call you any names, I was reporting the facts!

Answers on a postcard please. Mainly as I'll probably earn enough FPs to be away for a while 😛

PS: note to Plato - if you keep littering people's profiles with FPs we are going to continue this campaign. The simple solution is to give mick cain back his 20 rubber plants & send your admins on a customer service course.

Edit the original content of the article can be accessed here and here