Day 2,241, 14:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Rob the Bruce
Oh noes here we are again

Guess what guys?
I'm going for two PP terms in a row. Oh how very selfish of me, sorry everybody. But I have actual plans this time. Kind of.

We need to get a proper UKPP platform for CP this time, what happened this time was a bit of a mess before we decided on wookieO, partly my fault perhaps, I'll admit that. But this time I'm going to co-operate with any CP candidates early and help them get it together so we can produce a proper candidate, and then I'll learn how to do gdocs to get a proper vote and have overall a less messy term.

Also that policy change idea some guys had at the start crashed, burned and died. I'd like to have some chats about that again.

There'll probably be other stuff as well, I'm working on some stuff now as it happens but running out of days to do it.

That's about all I have the time to write, goodbye.

-Rob the Bruce
plz let me do it again

EDIT: I even have a seal of approval.