[WTP] World War Z ~ The Way Out, Is The Way Down

Day 2,161, 13:08 Published in USA USA by The Mike

Dear zombies,

we are at war. With ourselves. Not with the disgusting TWO-pigs. Not with the enemy Spaniards who are actually not an enemy of the state. Not with the PTO who announced their leave. But with ourselves. The PTO has come among us and we have let ourselves get apart. I don't like this and would see our community change for good.

In the opening, I will only outline why what seems our invader to be is actually not our real problem. I hope you have watched the latest Brad Pitt movie. World War Z. Yes, there are zombies and unnatural events, but another thing is what actually matters. It is the lesson that stays behind the whole movie. A quote:

Sometimes it's in your thoughts where the most brutal part of a virus is. Turns out to be the chink in its armor. And she loves disguising her weaknesses as strengths. She's a bitch.

You look at all those zombies. Awful. Dirty. Sight-sickening. Leprous. Disgusting. Stupid and Brainless etc etc But this is only a camouflage. From the inside they are healthy, they are pure, fully sustainable and they have incredible sensory nature. And how to beat them? You just "dress" like them (get ill by injecting yourself some kind of disease) and you go on unnoticed.

But you can do that only if you remain yourself for the whole time. Zombies fall asleep when they can't find an enemy, but if you are making too much noise they'll come for ya. Here you get to hit them with the greatest effectiveness and get your planet back \ o /

But some people obviously don't want us to take our planet back. They prefer to stay in their small worlds where everything is perfect, where there are no problems, where they can simply have fun. And this has become a tumour for our society because selfishness has grown bigger than the will of the well-being of the state as a whole. Some will say that this is only over the well-being of the people, but I am fully convinced (and have not yet been convinced otherwise) this ain't the case.

I am fully aware that here we are speaking about the largest eUS active communities. This, however, does _NOT_ give anybody the right to put their personal well-being in front of that of the country. The People of the United States of America have been told they are exceptional. And there is a reason for that. If we look at the few countries in the real world that are still surviving (USA, Russia, Germany and France/UK), we will see a strong correlation between the successfulness of a country and the model I outlined above (lawmakers putting the state needs above those of the individual in order the state to be able to take care of the latter).

Therefore, I am a strong believer that the government no matter who is there should be supported in the public. Of course, they are incapable of making all of us happy. It is then up to us to either accept that either our suffer is for the best of the society or adapt to the new situation and benefit from the changes that have taken place. In the case of an unacceptable situation, I am positive that reasons, example and building a solid case in your favour work better than simply quitting in Richtung Kanada.

Today, we are in an utopical position. Only a few get the chance to set the model for generations to come. Today we are starting to write another chapter in American history. On the 25th we will have the very first of fully American congress in the game in more than 20 months. Our politics will not be restricted anymore by the possibility of a Serbian becoming the head of the country or gaining access to the keys for the nuclear warheads. Our society and sub-societies will live a free life.

However, it will be up to us to decide for how long this freedom will last. It is up to us to decide on what measures to take in order to prevent this hell of primaries and ATO spam from happening once again. So, dear eAmericans, my message (and thank you for reading all the way so far) now says INVOLVE yourselves. Get involved and make sure our state and society are there in the long run. Ensure our sustainability. Give your two cents now and receive your $2 later. Here I am far away from the thought that the most of you would become politically active. It would be awesome, but I doubt this would be the case ;3 The best compromise will be if people’s corruption perception stays high and don’t let the politicians play their dirty games as those that led to the PTO in the first place. Keep the politicians in check and play your game as you find best.

So, once again to reiterate on what has been said so far. The biggest threat for us is us ourselves. We have the capacity to be a leading country in this game and the only thing that may bring us down lies on the inside. Ensuring that our internal politics lead to a sustainable in the long term society can only be done by the society itself. By the individuals. If you guys are interested in what is going on up there, you will be getting reports and we will all have a transparent administration. If nobody cares.. well, politicians will be doing what they want. And giving power to a kid ain’t the smartest idea…

I’m also running for a congressman from We The People. Feel free to vote for me on the primaries and for us on the elections on the 25th.