[Royal Navy] Weekly Update - Day 2148

Day 2,148, 09:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HebronGazelle

Hello sailors, the Royal Navy has been sailing the seas this week so there is a lot to update you on. Here is what happened last week:

Sunday Strike
The Sunday strike has restarted, so every Sunday between 3pm and 7pm you will receive Q7 weapons and food if you come on the IRC channel. But you must be a member of the Royal Navy. Last Sunday was the first strike since it has restarted, so we can always improve attendance next week. Here are the top 3 fighters:

mick cain - 13,010,715
CheetahCurtis - 3,029,700
Neil Lewis - 2,532,720

Well done to the top 3, but lets not forget everyone else who attende😛

Dnouser - 1,368,429
Wyatt Earp 74 - 1,352,040
samtheman1 - 1,164,350
Sekula Vasiljevic - 900,000
Terry Stricter - 750,100
Massacar - 467,346
xXkyuuketsukiXx - 408,618
Physo Starmik - 352,060
Doc Devil - 127,699
William Fairfield - 23,678
Jsaph01 - 14,775

Pacific Clash Missions
As you may remember, the admins added new missions into the game 2 weeks ago. These were the pacific clash missions, and there were individual missions and national missions. Our country did not do amazingly well in the national missions, but out of our 116 Royal Navy members, two of them did extremely well in the individual missions by completing them all. For their great work they received decorations on their profile to show forever. Well Done!

Titus Van Skittles
Neil Lewis

It's never too late to join the Royal Navy. As a military unit we offer unit jobs with supplies, weekly strikes, rewards for ranking up and a friendly community. Click here to join. Finally, well done to all our fighters as we stayed in the top 2 eUK military units for most of the week. Keep flying the flag for our country, and stay classy!

This article was written by CheetahCurtis on the 7th of October 2013. Please subscribe for more great tips and info.