[Emergency Food] The ESO Food Bank

Day 2,136, 16:13 Published in United Kingdom Norway by Major Lee Hung

Food rices are extremely high right now, and there's pressure across the board to meet demand for those who can't afford food. Unfortunately, the release of yet another mission has delayed the fall in prices, and income just isn't going up enough to match price inflation.

The ESO Food Bank

ESO always keeps food for its members in case of times like this, in which we'll hand out food and weapons to struggling members.

Due to the struggle across the eWorld to eat each day, ESO will be extending this program to non-ESO members. Everybody who needs food is free to request it!

There's food supplies available to eUK citizens only. The amount is variable dependent on level.

Survival Packs
Division 1
600 energy

Division 2
600 energy

Division 3
450 energy

Division 4
It's likely that your income has gone up along with WRM and FRM prices, most division 4 players are able to sustain themselves through companies. If you can present a solid case for the reason you need food, you'll receive up to 450 energy.

These emergency can be claimed daily until either the prices come down to a reasonable level, or I run out of food.

Please only claim food if it's absolutely necessary, there's a huge demand for food and taking it with no real need means somebody who is in actual need of food will miss out.

-eUK citizen only
-1 emergency pack per citizen per day
-Party affiliation doesn't matter
-MU affiliation unrestricted, except enemy units. (Yes Irish Army, I mean you)

Request food by messaging me or commenting below.

If you'd like to donate food to prolong the program, feel free to send to me. Any unused food will be returned or donated to the eNHS, your choice.