[MoE] Journalistic Module - Guide Book #4

Day 2,133, 14:26 Published in Japan Japan by Hitoyoshi

Create a newpaper

To create his newspaper, you have to have two golds and have reached level 9 (30 experience points). However, before you rush to create your journal, wait until you have some experience of the game, reading the newspapers and the forum in order to get an idea of the type of newspaper you want to write.

Once your newpaper is created, you will come to this situation, here the two menus where you'll able to go :

1 - Name of your newspaper

2 - Click here to write an article

3 - Click here to edit your newspaper's details

4 - Newspaper's logo

5 - Newspaper's name

6 - Description

7 - Choose an other logo from your computer

8 - Number of subscribers

9 - Title of your article

10 - Your article with the codes

11 - Choose the category of your article :
* First steps in eRepublik
* Battle orders
* Warfare analysis
* Political debates and analysis
* Financial business
* Social interactions and entertainment

Code for an article

[ b][/b] => Bold

[ i][/i] => Italic

[ u][/u] => Underline

[ s][/s] => crossed

[ url=”link]Text[ /url] => Fight for Japan

[img][/img] for the images

[ left][/left] =>

[ center][/center] =>

[ right][/right] =>

See others articles

In the home page, you can see the TOP 5 of articles in your country. And if you are in a other country (for example in China), you'll see the TOP 5 in China and Japan.

To see others articles, you have to go to here.

1 - Press Location

2 - Categories

3 - Your subscriptions

4 - Classified by vote

5 - Classified by chronological order (most recent)

6 - List of all important national events (law, war, ect)

7 - The international press (classified by vote)

8 - Your subscriptions

9 - Number of votes for an article

10 - Title of an article

Former articles :
[MoE] Goals for this month
[MoE] The daily tasks - Guide Book #1
[MoE] Military Module - Guide Book #2
[MoE] Economic Module - Guide Book #3

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~MoE Staff