[WHPR] PP Elections Wind Down

Day 2,003, 21:19 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room
White House Press Report – Day 2,003: PP Election Wrap Up and Society

Your friendly neighborhood WHPR

Dateline: Wednesday, May 15th (Day 2,003)
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House

Today’s WHPR
1. PP Elections Wrap Up
2. The Social Side of eRep
3. Webcomic of the Day

Stuff You Should Know
Secretary of Media Paul Proteus

Don't know it? Read Below~

Today is PP Election Day! If you're reading this and it's still election day, join #voting on IRC or send Kody5 a PM in game to get instructions.

As of writing this, ATO has recently pushed Othere ahead of the PTO candidate in the USWP. All American parties are in safe hands at the moment. Unfortunately, due to the votes needed by ATO in the USWP, Lord Rahl is down by a substantial amount in the AFA. So, looks like the PTO will continue for at least another month. Still, parties are safe, good job eMurrica and Congrats to Othere of the USWP, BigCDizzle of the Feds, Hale26 of the WTP and Free Area of the AMP as well as the numerous smaller parties who also held elections today. Should be a great month for all of us~

In other news many of you may have noticed that following Day 2000 the Admins started a competition between MUs.

For mild amusement, just check out the third highest worldwide

Basically there's a competition eRep is sponsoring between MUs to see who deals the highest damage in the given time. High gold spending and high rewards for those MUs which place in the top 50 worldwide. Anyway, for more details on what your MU is doing, ask your commanding officer.

It is important to note that the government run Special Forces has opened itself to those interested in competing in the competion (as well as many Private MUs as well). If you're interested on getting in on the competition and aren't already in one of these competing MUs, click the link or talk with your commander for more information.

Should be all of you

The Social Side of eRepublik
WHPR Writer Mr. Swagg

The Social Side of Erep

Other people are scary, am I right?

As my good friend Blonde Ninja once told me, Erepublik is as much of a social network as it is a game. It only took about 5 seconds of thinking to realize that she was, indeed correct. Most countries have some sort of National Forum, and many political parties and military units have their own forums as well. In addition to that, there are boatloads of IRC channels for MUs, eNations, Political parties, and much much more.


Many Political Parties have their own forums, some are independent and others are sub-forums of the eUSA Forums. You do not necessarily have to be i the party to use their forums, many have sections for non-party members to play games and otherwise interact with the party.
eUSA National Forums
American Military Party Forums
Federalist Party Forums
United States Workers Party Forums
We The People Forums

IRC, or Internet Relay Chat, is a very large part of the Erep experience. Basically all it is, is large chatrooms of erep players. There are chatrooms for Departments in the Government, countries, MUs, and Political Parties.
Some Useful IRC Channels
#usa The USA’s National Channel
#amp The American Military Party
#fedpartychat The Federalist Party
#uswpchat The United States Workers Party
#wtp We The People
#eUSA-DoE The Department of Education, great place to learn about the game if you are a new player, and to help out newbies if you are an older player.
#us-state Public channel for the US State Department
#eNPR Channel for eNPR, the Weekly National radio show.


Like that segue? ;P

Radio is a part of erep that seems to be growing rather rapidly in the eUSA. eNPR (For those of you who don’t know, in America we have National Public Radio, or NPR) serves as the Government’s official online Radio show.

eNPR: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/enpr
AMP Radio: http://mixlr.com/amp-radio/me
Feds Radio: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/efederalistradio

See you there~

Web-Comic of the Day

For today's web-comic of the Day we have another Saturday My Morning Breakfast Cartoon, Enjoy~

The eNPR Schedule:

eNPR Oval Office Radio airs live every Friday night, at 19:00 eRep (10pm Eastern, 7pm Pacific) on www.radiostaronline.net.

eNPR will be live Fridays at 19:00 with your hosts, President Artela and Jude Connors.

If you miss any live radio show, you can listen at your leisure, at eNPR Oval Office Radio.

Recommended Reading:

Dept of Education: [DoE] Library of Informative Links
This is the complete and comprehensive list of all resources available to US players.
Dept of Interior: [DoI] Free Stuff for America
Free stuff, fairly self explanatory
WHPR: [WHPR] Civil Service Job Fair
Want a job working in Civil Service? Click here!

Media Around the Net
Some compiled media for your viewing pleasure:

Interesting Reads

-Understanding PTOs from the DoE
-AFA has stroke of some kind from Saraht0ga

On the Forums
-What is the Aftermath of Unity?
-Thread about EDEN
-Regarding AIM

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| White House Press Room | Pony Express | eNPR Radio |

::: Shout It! :::

WHPR: Day 2,003
PP Elections Were Today!

Paul Proteus, Secretary of Media
"It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried.."
-Winston Churchill

Join a Military or Militia:
| US Civilian MU | Air Force Flight Training | Special Forces | Rogue Squadron | Ultramarines |
| EZ Company | SEAL Team 6 | Sons of Liberty | Bear Cavalry |Cannon Cockers |

Come join the official eUSA Forum!