[LT] Weekly Newsflash

Day 1,982, 11:44 Published in Belgium Belgium by MCKitkat

Good evening eBelgium,

After a long time with no articles, I finally decided to bring some activity in this section of eRepublik. I wasted some gold to create a newspaper so I think it's finally time to use it.

What will I do and what can you expect ?
Simple, I will try to inform our dear citizens of the things they might be missing. With this action I want to bring people to join our forums and possibly even our IRC channel, but mainly to keep everyone informed about what is happening in eBelgium.
The series will have some categories of news and events, so if you have any wish please send me a PM.
Many thanks for your attention, dear reader and I hope you will enjoy the article.

First thing first, a big welcome to our newest players, sadly I don't have any names but still If your read this, feel free to ask your questions 🙂

The News

Peace between France and Belgium
Both the french and the belgian government agreed to sign a white peace in order to end the war but due to a bug, our CP could only propose a peace offer to Belgium. As a consequence of the war technically still going on, Belgium auto-attacked Picardy.

Let's hope the admins fix this bug and that we can finally have peace.

Congress elections are coming
You heard right, tomorrow are congress elections, as every month. So don't forget to vote and use the right given to you by the admins of this game. Let your voice be heard, as you decide about our country.

The congress was debating about the white peace and is currently working on a new form to get the daily citizen packs.
Two other debates, one about removing people from our forums and a thread complaining about a Moderator abuse, ended up in a total off topic.

I also want to bring your attention to an usefull script for eRepublik. You can find more of it here: http://www.erepbelgium.com/t8918-erepublik-stuff.

Interesting eRepublik articles
Elynea made a nice tutorial in french where you can learn more about battles.
DarkoDimovski1 wrote an interesting article about the CoT-TWO situation.
Also check out tommot's article for the congress elections. 🙂

The win of the week goes to, whom else then our beloved eternal Congressmen, Dictator, etc. Jofroi

There are countless reasons why he deserves the Win of the Week, but because they are so obvious I won't list them. Instead some (not) funny pics 🙂

Fail of the week

The Fail of the Week goes to Zangetsu-Osan and his power abuse on our government channel in IRC.

Power Abuse is not nice Zangetsu-Osan, I hope you learn from your mistakes or the Weekly Newsflash will continue his war against you and against every form of power abuse ! You sac de douche !

Yannis' Corner

Big news here, Yannis finally admitted that I beat her in every possible point. This shows again how awesome I am and prooves that Yannis is pretty lame and ofcourse a douchebag 😛

I hope you enjoyed this article and please give feedback 🙂

Greetings MCKitkat

Disclaimer: Everything in here is not to be taken serious. This is mostly for the lulz.