[JK] America, prove you're intelligent, use your heads!

Day 1,873, 04:19 Published in USA USA by John Killah

You know what it’s like when you have a lovely day … the sun’s shining and it’s warm outside even though it’s January and it’s supposed to be cold as s***.

Here’s a quote I modified for you – “Dear Lor😛 So far today I am doing all right, I have no lost my temper, been greedy, grumpy, nasty or selfish. I have not whined, bitched or drunk any alcohol … However, I’m going to log into eRep in a few minutes and will need a lot more help! Amen”

And log into eRep I did to find this happening -

You know you’re going to suck as a CP…

… When you have to have people change their name to impersonate well known players to divide the unity vote. Yep … that’s what the AFA/RGR is doing today people, I knew they’d stoop low, but this is an ALL TIME LOW … Hue.
So, here’s a screencap of the voting screen, and I’ve pointed out a couple of things.

I suggest opening the below image in a new window to clearly see what's being shown

Lets start with the green squares. Impersonating another player … Shame they’re not very good at it. We’ll go with the first one – Cerbiswar. I lol’d when I saw this … seriously, Cerb is just … Cerb, and everyone knows he wouldn’t give the wigs 5 gold to change it to something stupid as that. Oh, and also, the AFA is clearly out of touch since if they’d of done some research, they’d know Cerb has pretty much gone Super-AFK to focus on his RL matters.

Next, John .Jay … Wow, that is the WORST attempt at impersonation ever … I MEAN LOOK, YOU CAN PUT A FULL STOP BEFORE HIS LAST NAME, YOU MUST BE THE 1337EST PL4Y3R 3VER! … Even the hastiest of players would notice it’s not right.

Now on to my favourite part, the red square. Party Impersonation, the 3rd month in a row they’ve done it … it didn’t work the past 2 times, but you seem to not understand that. Now, how is it impersonation? Easy, look what happened when I hovered over the name –

Whoops … someone doesn’t know how to internet. Clever trick, but becoming overused and thus overplaying their hand.

So America, please … prove me right when I credit you with a modicum of intelligence … the majority of you have it, so please use it today. While you may not like and agree with it, the Unity System is the best way of keeping the presidency out of AFA hands. I’ll repeat my mantra again – Don’t vote unity for the elitists, vote unity for the sake of the innocent people who can’t protect themselves and look to you for help doing so!

Vote Fingerguns for PotUS, follow unity and eventually, we’ll beat the AFA. And then we can have proper elections back.

Keep it chillin eAmerica!