Owner vs Owner (Alternate Title : Chocolate with the Troll)

Day 1,767, 13:22 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Comrade Vladimir Ulyanow Lenin

21:40 realmadkytle so..
21:40 realmadkytle Hello Paul_Proteus
21:40 realmadkytle and dear readers
21:40 realmadkytle welcome to our next interview.
21:41 Paul_Proteus Hiya
21:41 realmadkytle so.
21:41 realmadkytle How are you , mr Owner of the channel
21:42 Paul_Proteus Good thank you
21:43 realmadkytle so
21:43 realmadkytle Well
21:43 realmadkytle i think the most would know if you are coming back to switzerland?
21:44 Paul_Proteus Eventually I do plan to spend more time in eSwitzerland, it's a great community, first I have to finish up my current designs in the eUS though
21:45 realmadkytle of course
21:45 realmadkytle Do you like the idea of Plato that the congress module changed?
21:47 Paul_Proteus No, the new Congress module and I do not get along. It reduces accountability of elected officials, encourages corruption and elitism insofar as who the PP runs for Congress, and makes anti-PTO efforts on election day impossible. Though I like the idea of giving the Party President more power than the old system, this was not the way to do it.
21:47 realmadkytle oh you had a long text.
21:47 realmadkytle i thought you used internet explorer.
21:48 Paul_Proteus I use Google Chrome as a web browser
21:49 realmadkytle -.-
21:49 realmadkytle are you kidding me?
21:49 realmadkytle google chrome isnt a browser
21:49 realmadkytle its an open source
21:49 Paul_Proteus I meant 😑
21:49 realmadkytle like firefox...
21:49 realmadkytle or is football the same as american football
21:49 realmadkytle if you should think so
21:49 realmadkytle not my problem
21:50 Paul_Proteus I meant that, ignore my lack of tech-savvy in my speech realmadkytle, I hope I am not condemned for a slip of the tongue 😁
21:50 realmadkytle sure
21:50 realmadkytle we have all our pros and cons
21:50 realmadkytle i like to kick and ban and you dont know much about technics.
21:51 Paul_Proteus lol You could say that 😁
21:51 realmadkytle so
21:52 realmadkytle are you still neutral
21:52 realmadkytle or are you now for the lefties
21:52 realmadkytle or maybe for the righties
21:53 Paul_Proteus Could you clarify for me who you mean by Lefties or Righties?
21:53 realmadkytle communism
21:53 realmadkytle nationalism
21:54 realmadkytle know it now?
21:55 realmadkytle so
21:55 realmadkytle Which one do you prefer....
21:55 realmadkytle well brace yourself guys a long text is coming!
21:56 Paul_Proteus Ah, well if we're talking RL politics I consider myself, by American standards, very liberal, though I certainly believe in Capitalism, just with regulations and a role the Government has to play. And it's not that long, I'm just a slow typer
21:57 realmadkytle okay
21:57 realmadkytle SUPREME TIME
21:57 Paul_Proteus YAY
21:57 realmadkytle you said you know more cities as lotusblack
21:57 realmadkytle So then call me all your swiss cities you know which begins with Y
21:57 realmadkytle in five minutes
21:58 Paul_Proteus Ah.....I don't remember, Yve-something
21:58 realmadkytle okay
21:58 realmadkytle
21:59 realmadkytle easier supreme time?
21:59 realmadkytle
21:59 Paul_Proteus lol, ask whatever geography isn't my strongsuit 😁 (though if you asked what you asked Lotus I would have done better )
21:59 realmadkytle okay
21:59 realmadkytle then how about politics
22:00 realmadkytle do you know hows the swiss president is called?
22:00 realmadkytle hint its like in erep a women
22:00 realmadkytle and dont google!
22:00 realmadkytle i see it
22:01 Paul_Proteus I'm not googling it I swear lol, let me think a second so I don't make a fool out of myself, but I think I know this one
22:02 Paul_Proteus Does Switzerland have a Federal Chancellor? Trying to remember from when Clifford made me read the RL Swiss Constitution 😁
22:03 realmadkytle nah not federal chancellor
22:03 Paul_Proteus Hmm,
22:04 realmadkytle *yawn*
22:06 Paul_Proteus Oh are you looking for a name? Isn't it W(something) Shlumpf?
22:06 realmadkytle *doubleyawn*
22:06 realmadkytle okay proteus
22:06 realmadkytle then i call you only proteus now
22:07 Paul_Proteus Yeah I only remember most heads of state or government officials by last name, not good, but it's true
22:07 realmadkytle eveline widmer-schlumpf
22:07 realmadkytle
22:07 realmadkytle was it
22:07 realmadkytle okay
22:07 realmadkytle then comes Georg Hitler who was born in the usa , and you say he would be racist because of hitler
22:07 realmadkytle maybe he is a jew
22:07 realmadkytle so you would be the racist
22:07 realmadkytle *mindblown*
22:08 Paul_Proteus lol
22:08 realmadkytle so
22:08 realmadkytle i make the title
22:08 realmadkytle the owner vs the owner
22:08 realmadkytle okay?
22:09 Paul_Proteus Okay sure
22:09 realmadkytle heh
22:09 realmadkytle ao
22:09 Paul_Proteus Sorry for kind of failing SUPREME TIME .__.
22:09 realmadkytle so
22:09 realmadkytle makes nothing
22:09 realmadkytle everybody fails
22:09 realmadkytle even i...
22:10 Paul_Proteus That's the best part
22:10 realmadkytle so
22:10 realmadkytle what do you like to eat?
22:10 Paul_Proteus I like pretty much everything...
22:11 realmadkytle shits on a tablet
22:11 realmadkytle gives Paul_proteus the tablet
22:11 realmadkytle eat this
22:12 Paul_Proteus Okay, let me add an addendum, I like almost everything that is A) edible and 😎 reasonably accepted as food 😑
22:12 realmadkytle shit is accepted in new zealand.
22:13 Paul_Proteus That's because New Zealand is primarily populated by Sheep
22:13 realmadkytle
22:13 realmadkytle gives paul_proteus some haggis
22:14 realmadkytle Whats about that?
22:14 Paul_Proteus To be honest I'd probably be fine with that lol
22:14 realmadkytle okay
22:15 realmadkytle whats your favorite colour and why?
22:16 Paul_Proteus Favorite Color? Depends, Black is a pretty good color on anything, though Blue has it's moments
22:16 realmadkytle Black isnt a color. its a contrast. -.-
22:17 realmadkytle but nice blue
22:17 realmadkytle i like blue too
22:18 Paul_Proteus Yes realmadkytle, you're right, to be technical it isn't, but commonly speaking it is often used as one
22:18 realmadkytle so.
22:19 realmadkytle do you have questions?
22:19 Paul_Proteus Not really
22:20 realmadkytle okay
22:20 realmadkytle Then see you soon.
22:20 realmadkytle And give me ha... No!
22:20 realmadkytle
22:21 Paul_Proteus xD See you later then~