SOS - Media - SOS

Day 1,757, 11:10 Published in Argentina Israel by Lorcema

Media Idea no está de acuerdo con los sistemas de pagar o suscribirse por dinero. Me encanta el módulo de prensa, por favor, no lo destruyamos. Votá, suscribite y compartilo!
Media Idea is not agree with the pay-per-vote/sub system. I love the press module, please, do not destroy it. Vote, subscribe and share!

Media Idea no va a hablar del robo al Banco Central
Media Idea is not going to talk about the robbery at Central Bank

Media Idea no va a hablar de la renuncia del ex “Presidente x 1 día”
Media Idea is not going to talk about the resignation of former "President for a day"

Media Idea no va a hablar de los globitos que nos regalaron los admins después de la recontragran batalla de las alianzas
Media Idea is not going to talk about the colorful balloons that admins gave us after the Battle of the Alliances

Esta vez, lector, Media Idea te regala 4 (cuatro) banners para que tus artículos sean los más votados y llegues a la MMM!
This time, reader, Media Idea gives you four (4) banners for free, so your articles would be the best ones and finally you would get the MMM!

De nada!
You're welcome!

This is just a game!
Esto es solo un juego!

Compartí estos banners con tus amigos!! Copia y pegá en el feed!
Share these banners with your friends, please shout this in your feeds: