Medals, fad or necessity?

Day 1,744, 00:16 Published in Brazil Netherlands by T O LJ A G A

Versiunea in limba romana mai jos.

Until now nobody thought why are we taking medals, why we aren’t taking and so on…or maybe they thought but they haven’t written it down. Therefore I managed to make a ranking of all medals. Let’s see what was the outcome:


Without any: you’re lazy…
1HW/month: you’re too workaholic, you don’t belong here
1HW/2-3 months: too much work is harmful to your health
1HW/3 months+: the gesture matters

Congress member:
Without any: congratulations
1CM: curiosity
2CM: you’re not realizing what you’re running into
3CM: you realized but it’s too late
4-5CM: you were born for politics
5-10CM: bribe for electors
More than 10CM: there is no chance / way back for you

Country president:
Without any: you’re still looking for your location
1CP: people didn’t realize who they voted…maybe they didn’t actually voted you
2CP in different countries: definitely PTO…in both of them
2 or more CP in the same country: you did something for the community, you have chances at the next elections as well

Media Mogul:
Without any: you don’t like writing, pencils, you don’t afford one
1MM: subscription for subscription…a bit difficult, but you made it
2MM: you bought from the polish (you belong to those you have money)
3-5MM: you enjoy writing qualitative articles…when you remember
6-8MM: you provide good articles, constantly
9-11MM: you are/were an important person in your country, known also internationally
13MM: Bogdan_L - the old stats
21MM: dSoKre – first God of Media

Society Builder:
Without any: you don’t have anything to do with society
1SB: you struggled a lot to make 10 clones, but it was worthy
2SB: you told your friends about the game
3SB: don’t you think is too risky?
4-10SB: beginner’s spam
10-20SB: experienced spammer
Over 20SB: scripts…. Lots of them


Without any: you’re not a mercenary and you are proud with this
1M: Even if you fought against your country and its allies, this one doesn’t count
2-5M: according to your possibilities, you are waiting for alliances shifts, so you have “material”
More than 5M: you’re the Daddy of mercenaries, let it be Q7 weapons

Top Fighter:
Without any: you’re hoping, but you’re hoping for nothing
1TF: only you know how many sacrifices you’ve made
2TF: you’re too active and ambitious
More than 3TF: mastercard, visa, American express, maestro, etc

Battle Hero:
Without any: you don’t like the military module
First 10BH: the beginning is difficult
10-100BH: you don’t care about medals, you fight where is needed
100+BH: you enjoy fighting, but time doesn’t really allow you to play more
200+BH: you don’t miss anything when you have the chance
400+BH: you mercenary son…you enter, fight, steal and go home…
600+BH: weak, red eyes, strong glasses
800+ BH: zombie
1000+BH: mastercard, visa, American express, maestro, etc

Campaign Hero:
Without any: you don’t stand a chance
1CH: you had luck once in a lifetime
2CH: you started to like it
Max 50CH: you never missed the chance
50+CH: there is no way back

Resistance Hero:
Without any: without money you cant do anything
1RW: you had orgasm when you got it
2RW: ambitious, you forced the entire MU to fight for you
3-10RW: from time to time you score one
10-30RW: you have certain information and you don’t miss anything
30+RW: watch out for the permanent ban

Super soldier:
Without any: you can easily quit the game
10-30 SS: you are not a military module passionate, but you train for free gold
30-70 SS: according to the gold from your accounts, today you train fully, tomorrow its free
Over 70 SS: ‘maximum I said’

True Patriot:
Without any: Impossible
A few: only for gold
5-10 TP: your patriotism started to appear
10-15 TP: you want to show off
Over 15 TP: you are over reacting

Do you think there is something true in all this?

Versiunea in limba romana:

Pana acum nimeni nu s-a gandit de ce luam medalii, ce de nu luam si asa mai departe..sau poate s-a gandit dar nu a pus pe hartie. Astfel am reusit sa fac un clasament al medaliilor. Sa vedem ce a iesit:


Hard Worker:
fara: lenesule..
1HW/luna: esti prea harnic, locul tau nu este aici
1HW/2-3 luni: prea multa munca dauneaza grav sanatatii
1HW/mai mult de 3 luni: gestul conteaza

Congress Member:
fara: felicitari
1CM: curiozitate
2CM: nu-ti dai seama in ce intri
3CM: ti-ai dat seama dar e prea tarziu
4-5CM: esti nascut pentru politica
5-10CM: mita pentru alegatori
mai mult de 10CM: esti irecuperabil

Country President:
fara: esti inca in cautarea locatiei
1CP: lumea nu si-a dat seama cu cine voteaza..poate ca nici nu te-a votat...
2CP in tari diferite: clar ambele
2 sau mai multe CP in aceeasi tara: ai facut ceva pentru comunitate, o sa ai sanse si la urmatoarea

Media Mogul:
fara: nu-ti place scrisul, penita, n-ai bani de una...
1MM: abonare contra greu, dar ai reusit
2MM: ai cumparat de la polonezi (faci parte din categoria celor care au bani)
3-5MM: iti place sa scri articole de calitate, cand iti amintesti
6-8MM: ai marfa buna intr-un mod constant
9-11MM: esti/ai fost o persoana importanta in tara ta, cunoscut si international
13MM: Bogdan_L - vechile statistici
21MM: dSoKre - primul God of Media

Society Builder:
fara: n-ai treaba tu cu societatea
1SB: te-ai chinuit mult sa-ti faci 10 clone, dar a meritat
2SB: le-ai spus prietenilor tai de joc
3SB: nu crezi ca e prea riscant?
4-10SB: spam de incepator
10-20SB: spamer cu experienta
peste 20SB: scripturi...multe scripturi...


fara: nu esti mercenar si te mandresti cu asta
1M: chiar daca ai luptat impotriva tarii tale sa a aliatilor ei, nu s epune tura asta
2-5M: dupa posibilitati, astepti sa se schimbe aliante sa ai "material"
mai mult de 5M: esti tata mercenarilor, arme q7 sa fie....

Top Fighter:
fara: speri tu, dar speri degeaba
1TF: numai tu sti cate sacrificii ai facut
2TF: esti prea activ si ambitios
mai mult de 3TF: mastercard, visa, american express, maestro, etc

Battle Hero:
fara: nu-ti place modulul militar
primele 10BH: inceputul e mai greu
10-100BH: nu esti cu medaliile, lupti mai mult unde conteaza
+100BH: iti place lupta dar nu-ti prea permite timpul
+200BH: de cate ori ai ocazia nu ratezi nimic
+400BH: pui de mercenar..intri, lupti, furi, ai plecat acasa...
+600BH: slab, anemic, ochii rosii, dioptrii groase
+800BH: zombi
+1000BH: mastercard, visa, american express, maestro, etc

Campaign Hero:
fara: n-ai nici o sansa
1CH: ai avut noroc in viata
2CH: ai prins gustul si a inceput sa-ti placa
pana la 50 CH: n-au ratat niciodata ocazia ivita
+50CH: irecuperabili

Resistance Hero:
fara: fara bani nu faci nimic
1RW: ai avut orgasm cand ai luat-o
2RW: ambitios, ai pus tot um-ul sa lupte pentru tine
3-10RW: din cand in cand mai nimeresti cate una
10-30RW: ai informatii sigure si nu ratezi nimic
+30RW: ai grija la permanent bann

Super Soldier:
fara: poti renunta linistit la joc
10-30SS: nu te pasioneaza modulul militar, dar te antrenezi free pt gold
30-70SS: in functie de goldul din visterie, antrenamentul azi e full, maine doar gratis
peste 70SS: "maxim am zis"

True Patriot:
fara: imposibil
cateva: doar pentru gold
5-10TP: patriotismul prinde contur
10-15TP: vrei sa iesi in evidenta
peste 15TP: exagerezi...

Credeti ca este ceva adevarat in toate astea?

`` Chain Shout ``
Medals, fad or necessity?:

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