The 1st BoDi Awards - The Winners

Day 1,712, 12:10 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Monsieur Guillontine

Salut madams and monsieurs,

After the rigorous one-day BoDi Awards' Nominating Process, and after the suspenseful two-day BoDi Awards' Voting Process, Switzerland's 1st BoDi Awards have just been given out! I was fortunate enough to host this event, and if you were unable to attend the Awards Ceremony, you missed out on quite a lot! But don't worry, there will be many more BoDi Awards to be given out in the future.

The Winners:


Winner of the 1st BoDi Swiss Honor Award
Winner of the 1st BoDi Lifetime Achievement Award
Winner of the 1st BoDi Iconic Award


Winner of the 1st BoDi Award of Progress

Monsieur Guillontine

Winner of the 1st BoDi Award of Outstanding Diplomatic Service


Winner of the 1st BoDi Award of Outstanding Military Service


Winner of the 1st BoDi Award of Media

I hope that all of you have enjoyed the BoDi Awards: nominating, voting, and even attending the Awards Ceremony. Congratulations to all the winners, and see all of you next time!

Let's fight. Fight for peace.

Peace out,
Monsieur Guillontine
Le Diplomat