My 2.74 Year Anniversary

Day 1,698, 12:40 Published in USA USA by Komari

We all have our own milestones and accomplishments to celebrate in this game. There are those days where you achieve something you’ve been looking toward as your goal. Today marks one of those goals for me.

As the title of this article says, today marks my 2.74 year anniversary in eRepublik. You might be wondering why I would choose to celebrate such a seemingly random milestone. I was eBorn on October 19, 2009, so what significance could July 14, 2012 possibly have, right? I’m not talking about Bastille Day or this date in 1881 when Billy the Kid was shot and killed (though I suppose this date has its fair share of historical significance already). No, this is a more personal milestone.

Did you know that on this day in 1969 the $500 bill was officially withdrawn from circulation?

You see, you could look at 2.74 years in terms of days. As it turns out, 2.74 years could be viewed as almost exactly 1,000 days. That’s right, as of July 14, 2012 I have been playing eRepublik for 1,000 days.

I don’t claim this to be an earth shattering accomplishment and compared to some I’m still a young player. I get that there are people who have done this before so I’m not blazing a new trail. All that aside though, I still think this is kind of a big deal.

The reason why I’m particularly proud of this accomplishment is it’s not just my 1,000th day, this is my 1,000th CONSECUTIVE day.

I’ll say again that I know I’m not the only one who has done this and there are people who have a longer consecutive streak than I do. I get that and respect it. However, a 1,000 day worker streak has been a goal of mine for quite some time.

Back when I started this game I liked the idea of medals on the profile page and wanted to see what I could amass. Then I started ruling things out. I never thought I’d spend any time in congress, I knew I wouldn’t be a country president, finding 10 people to invite to the game continues to elude me, and I write so infrequently that a media mogul would be unlikely. That only left super soldier and hard worker achievements.

You might remember back then that super soldier trophies were awarded for gaining 5 points of strength, but the catch was that you would only gain 0.04 strength per day after reaching 4 strength. That meant that I would see a super soldier once every 125 days, and while I have still trained every day I’ve been here, that was not exactly what I was looking for.

Now the hard worker instantly appealed to me. I just needed to work every day for 30 days in a row to get my trophy. That meant on days where I didn’t have much time I could still two-click and work for the day to keep my steak toward that 30 day mark going. The economy module is what initially drew me to this game anyway so it seemed like an award made just for a player like me. So I clicked work and kept doing that every day.

Somewhere around my 10th hard worker (300 days) I started to wonder how many people were working every day like I was. I knew there had to be quite a few out there so I was in good company. Then I got to wondering how many people were working every day of their eLife. Surely that number had to be somewhat lower though still significant. It was kind of around this time that I wanted to see how far I could take this hard worker trophy.

Fast forward a few hundred more “work” button clicks and I’m near 23rd hard worker (690 days in a row) and I started to think that the 1,000 day mark might not be as impossible as it had seemed at the start. Almost everything in the game had changed since I started, but at least they left my hard worker trophy alone. Eventually they even took away the worker skill (I still miss it) but my goal was intact.

Ever since passing my 900th day (hard worker number 30) I knew I had to make it to 1,000 days. By day 990 I was keeping an even closer eye on my streak since there was no way I was going to miss seeing my days worked total show 1,000 on my summary. Yesterday I took a screenshot of 999 days in a row since I wasn’t sure what would happen at 1,000.

Will it show 1,000 tomorrow?

And then I was able to click “work” again today and know that today was the one I had been waiting for. Honestly it was just like the other 999 from a mechanical standpoint, but there was a certain satisfaction from knowing I did something that not everyone will do. I set this goal for myself and I made it.

I do need to say that while this was an individual milestone there is no way I would have made it without the other players of the game. The eUS Military, specifically everyone in the Training Corps (I encourage you to join us) continues to be a central element of this game and gives me the opportunity to work with others and see the future generations of players develop. These people keep me motivated and wanting to come back every day. Find a group of players to enjoy the game with; you’ll be glad you did.

I would also like to mention and congratulate Iamnameless who happens to not only share my eBirthday of October 19, 2009, he has also just completed his 1,000th consecutive day today. I remember seeing his shouts about hard worker progress in the past and noticing we always seemed to be tied. I eventually noticed the interesting coincidence that we started this journey toward 1,000 on the same day. He’s been good motivation and an indication that I’m not the only one with a crazy goal. Be sure to congratulate him on his milestone today.

The nice thing about a hard worker streak is that it only really takes enough time to click the work button once every 24 hours and enough luck to have access to the game at least once a day. While it might seem like I invested too much time in this game to have been here this long I can say that I enjoy my time and try to keep it in moderation. This is a game after all, so find something you enjoy doing and do it. If it starts to consume more than just your free time you might want to look at your priorities and make sure you’re making the best use of your time. Pick a goal and shoot for it. It doesn’t need to be anything massive as long as it is something you genuinely want to achieve.

So that I don’t have to end on a preachy note I thought I’d get nostalgic and mention what 1,000 days of eRepublik would mean if the world was as it had been in V1. By your 1,000th day if you worked and trained every day you would have 33 hard worker trophies and 8 super soldier trophies. You would have a strength value of 43.32 and a worker skill of 23.28 assuming you stayed in the same job field. I don’t know what level Guru you would be since V2 made it kind of difficult to project given the variables so I’ll just speculate that the amount of stars would probably break the game and that’s why they scrapped our worker skill. In these last 1,000 days there have been 32 party president elections, 33 country president elections, and 33 congressional elections which means you would have had the opportunity to cast 98 votes not counting any time you spent in congress.

I don’t want to stop just because I finally hit 1,000 days. I think I’ll just keep working and see how far I can go. After all, I’m only 20 days away from hard worker number 34.