About the new rocket factory

Day 1,680, 08:28 Published in North Macedonia Thailand by deleted smee
Goodevening eRepublikans,

Four months ago I wrote about the new rocket factories that were coming but somebody (not me) decided this article was unworthy of eRepublik and deleted it. I even wrote how it will be ultra-expensive, approximately 1000gold.

Well if you calculate the cost to build the rocket factory and all the weapons factories needed to support this you will see just how right I was.

3 x q1 weapons = 30g
3 x q2 weapons with discount = about 64g
2 x q3 weapons with discount = about 98g
1 x q4 weapons with discount = about 105g
1 x q5 weapons with discount = about 212g
1 x q6 weapons with discount = about 442g
And your rocket factory = 115g
Total approximately 1066g

Of course if your gonna have all this you'll probably be in a country with 100/100 bonus.


Today we DID NOT see a new factory, and it is NOT a rocket factory.
We will also NOT see an energy bar factory either.

That is all.

smee again.