[Dept. of Education] Training

Day 1,628, 04:12 Published in Australia Australia by Aus Ministry of Finance

Training is the process of increasing your strength. You can train once a day in each training facility you own. One of these facilities is free to train in, the other three cost varying amounts of gold. There are four training facilities in total meaning you may train up to four times a day.

Your Strength is the major figure in determining how much influence you do in battle, the greater your Strength the more valuable you are to your country and its allies in battle.

Training Facilities

Everyone starts out with the training grounds, the most basic training building. In order to obtain the rest of the training facilities you must pay the cost to build each one. Each facility has the option to upgrade it at the cost of 20 Gold for each facility. Upgrading the training facilities will double the strength you receive each time you train.

The training cost refers to the how much it costs each day to train in that facility. So training in the Climbing centre will cost you 0.19 Gold every time you train there, training in both the climbing centre and the Shooting range will cost you 1.68 Gold (0.19+1.49).

The maximum amount of strength you can gain daily without upgrading you training facilities is 22.5; however this comes at the price of 3.47 Gold each time you train. With fully upgraded training facilities you can receive a maximum of 67.5 Strength daily from training, this will also cost 3.47 Gold daily as well as 280 Gold in upgrade costs.

Training Efficiency & Upgrades

From this table you can see that the Training Grounds is the most efficient training facility due to the fact that it is free to train in. The Climbing Centre is the second most efficient costing 0.076 Gold per strength point at Q1. The Special Forces Centre is the third most efficient costing 0.179 Gold per strength point at Q1. The Shooting Range is the least efficient of the training facilities costing 0.298 Gold per strength at Q1, it is not recommended for most players to use this facility.

The "days to pay-off upgrade with SS medals" column refers to the number of days it will take for you to earn back the cost of the upgrade due to the fact that you will be earning your Super Soldier (SS) achievement quicker. This achievement awards you with the Super Soldier Medal and 5 Gold each time you gain 250 Strength Points.

Recommended Training

Everyone should AT LEAST train using the climbing centre (+2.5) and the training grounds (+5) every day. Even if you don’t buy gold, the ADF and Super Soldier medals allow you to self-fund your usage of the climbing centre. The Super Soldier medal rewards you 5 Gold for every 250 Strength you gain; you can use this to continue training until you get your next Super Solider medal. The ADF also supply 0.19 gold daily to their members if their strength is lower than 250.

"Every strength point is important for your country and your growth as a citizen.”

Daily Tasks

The Daily Tasks are simple ways in which you can gain extra strength and experience. The daily task consists of “Working” and “Training”.

Each day you complete this task you will be rewarded with an additional 1 Strength and 1 Experience, for every 5th day in a row that you complete this you will instead receive an additional 5 Strength and 5 Experience.

Things you Should Do

Here are some other things you can do to interact within the community and perhaps find the answers to any other questions you may have:

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