Some weird missions [update]

Day 1,627, 02:27 Published in USA Hungary by Swoosh.

Every Day Job

Description: Work and train every day so that your country can rely on you!

Conditions: Work for 2 days,Train for 2 days,

money: 200

Experience Points: 5

Complete your Orders

Description: The army is about being united and fight where the country needs you.

Conditions: Complete Daily Order,Restore 300 health in one day,

Energy Bar: 1

Q5 foo😛 10

Rank Up

Description: Fight every day to increase your rank

Conditions: Achieve military rank of Sergeant,,

Energy Bar: 1

Refill your Inventory

Description: Need more products? Go to the marketplace!

Conditions: Buy 10 food units,Buy 5 weapons,

Q5 Foo😛 10

Q5 Tanks: 5