2 things in common....

Day 1,519, 06:39 Published in Ireland Japan by Loouman

I write today in hopes of starting a unified Ireland. We all have 2 things in common we are all Irish citizens, and we all use an need money. Regardless if one political group dont like another or military etc. Agree to disagree an lets come together an make Ireland strong. We have enemies on our monetary market who manipulate us and make our people pay too much money for Gold. I am attempting to organize a team built from all our political parties an all of our military parties. Look each one of these groups has someone who is handling finances i ask each of you to please PM contact me and let get together somewhere an make a plan to economically defend Ireland.

This is also an open invitation to anyone who wants to join economic forces with me in hopes of a stronger Ireland. If you dont know anything about economics but are willing to learn you are welcome too.

I have been asked by the Independant Labor Party to help start up a new citizen help desk or something if we have one in place id like to offer my assistance, if not ill try an put something to gether, for now we can use my newspaper.

If you are a new Player and would like some guidance and would like to meet people in the game leave me a message an ill point you in the direction you wish to go.

Which brings me to my next point. I would like someone who recruits for each of these political an military groups to PM contact me as well so i can direct people to various groups. I do not believe in favortism within our country.