Oblige Approval Poll Results

Day 1,582, 18:40 Published in USA USA by portcolumbus

Meet the Press Poll

This poll was started a few days back for the readers of Meet the Press to select one of three options, options that appear on a RL POTUS approval poll. They were asked how they feel about the Oblige Administration, and the poll was just closed by myself via the Google Documents page. That being said, I would first like to say that this poll was voted on by you, the people. The results weren't what I expected but what the people selected. I'm sure some will challenge the ability of my meager newspaper to do proper polling, and some of those challenges are valid. I feel I did what I could to try and make sure the opinions of the people were heard.

Poll Results

Q: How do you feel about Oblige as President of the United States


Approve: 38 Votes, 17%
Disapprove: 172 Votes, 77%
No Opinion: 12 Votes, 5%

Total: 222 Votes, 100%


Again, I'm sure this wasn't the best poll in the world, but people had a simple question at their hands, one I feel they could come to an answer about without confusion, and they decided in overwhelming numbers that the Oblige Administration is not approved of. I doubt this means most people hate Oblige, but it seems to show that most don't approve of him. I ask that a newspaper like 16 Shells step in and do a poll, given that they have the better resources and are a more established source of news media, and could better gather votes and publish results.

Regardless, thanks for reading this edition of Meet the Press, and we are now only 12 subscribers from our monthly goal of 400. Once we attain the monthly goal, we get an early start on the goal of 440-460 for April. The support of the American people will also be needed on my upcoming Congressional race, which has me once again requesting the state of Mississippi to run in this month. Maybe the South, which gave me all three of my wins last year, can stop this slide of four consecutive months of losing in Congressional elections.

Former eUS Congressman