Norway in disarray! - a detailed account on the current situation

Day 1,518, 12:23 Published in Norway Georgia by Endymionis

Political Takeover (coup) - When a highly organized group from a densely populated Country moves into a separate country and gains political power of said country by outnumbering other citizens in an election.

A few years ago, when I started playing erepublik, Norway was occupied by Finland and information was scarce. After a few days I heard the old-timers state that Finland was not our enemy and it was a “Friendly Occupation.” The situation with Finland seems similar now so I have asked Stakerauo to explain the situation.

Stakerauo has been playing for about 8 months, but it’s not that long since he started his political career by applying for a job in in Tommy Skaue's government. He was born in Trondheim, but raised in Bodø where he now lives.

I will talk to him about the current situation on Norway, but first an introduction.

“My username, Stakerauo, is a part of my name, which is Aleksander Stake Rauø, and you can find me using that name in several games! I'm only 16 years old, which makes me the youngest Country President in eNorwegian history”

What is your political experience?

“My career goes like this, and is visable on my profile:
Day 1,415 - Minister of Imigration (Norway)
Day 1,436 - Congressman of Vestlandet
Day 1,447 - Minister of Foreign Affairs (Norway)
Day 1,477 - Unofficial Country President (Norway)
Day 1,507 - Vice Country President (Norway)”

RIght now FInland holds some of our regions, and there is also talk about a Serbian PTO, can you explain the situation

“Well, from the start, I've known that the Serbs weren't here to help us, but I had no proof. So I sent in a spy and friend of mine, who lives in Belgrade, and asked him to printscreen and translate every dialoge he could find. I quickly found proof, but it was too late as the PTO-group called Vikinzi(Vikings) were already controling the CP and the congress. Therefor I saw only one solution to the problem, which was to take the regions away from them. This would make them lose interest in Norway. So together with Flitwick, I had conversations with Finland, Russia, Germany, Belarus, Romania and Ireland. So we can simply say that Finland is occupying us to save us from the PTO'ers. (To do that Finland had to NE Sweden first, ehich explains the wiping)”

Howerver, aleksej015, a Serbian players that came to Norway a few months ago disagree.

“I don't have any group, I'm not part of any group and don't know any other "groups". We just have ordinary IRC channel where we talk about ordinary, simple things and everyone can come there.”

aleksej015’s real name is Aleksandar, he’s 26 years old and work as an affiliate webmaster in his own company. HIs statement comes after I confront him with a rumour that he is the true leader of Vikinz.

“Hhahahah I must laugh! Why me? I got Norwegian CS before 3 months.”

How long have you been playing this game?

“I spend too much time daily in front of monitors and that's reason why I keep playing this stupid game over 2 year. From start I'm soldier, been twice in Serbian MoD team, also over 2 years spend in one of VeS units - Serbian Legion. I'm not a politician, never been in some party and my presence in Norway is sure not for politics, medals or something else - as I said to Tommy is just a fun, this is some? Right?”

After a pause he adds: “...this is some game? Add game please 🙂

You said to came to Norway for fun. Do you think erepublik misses something that makes in necessary to be creative in these ways in order to make the game fun?

“Hell yeah! Erepublik stopped being fun a long time ago!”

Some people have called you a PTOer and an enemy to Norway, do you agree with this?

“Nope. I think that Tommy is a true enemy. He is ruin all MPP's, Norway was erased, only because that guy want to be president and his crew want to control Norway. As I know, LavBoris didn't do anything wrong, must said that he is a better CP then Tommy.”

What about the more than 500000 NOK that has been transferred from the treasury and that no one has been informed as to what they have been spent on?

“Don't know anything about that. I'm not a congress member. But I know that many players from Serbia with market fill bank account every day with nice amount of money. As I know some people ignore marketplace and buy food and weapon at black market. Then who help Norway in this situation? Also, when I was in congress I know that LavBoris as president didn't got any help, suggestion or friendly advice from Tommy and his crew, and also Tommy was crying all over EDEN and trying to destroy all relationship which Norway have with EDEN members, only because HE IS NOT A PRESIDENT! We can conclude that Tommy with his behavior caused more damage to this country in last 2 months then "my PTO team". “

Back in Bodø Stakerauo hase a different view on the situation.

“It makes Norway as a military force weaker, but what makes Norway as a state and nation weaker, is them. The only way to get back to normal is if we can make them leave, and the military reduction is just a temporary sacrifice. We still keep in touch with our EDEN brothers too.
Honestly, I wouldn't mind a foreign President, if they could just be that without having to steal all our stuff, and make other people think that Norwegians don't speak English 😛

I would like to thank both aleksej015 and Stakerauo for allowing me to interview than and have asked if they have one final comment:

aleksej015: No problem, I'm really enjoy, this is my first Erepublik interview. 🙂 I can add much more about Bulgarian PTO team but I will not. Thanks, I looking forward for some new interview in future.

Stakerauo: No problems. I'm just happy that someone cares to interview me 😁 Yeah, vote smart, and vote for Norwegians! 😉