There’s small choice in rotten apples - The Taming of the Shrew, Act I, scene i

Day 1,510, 04:50 Published in Switzerland Netherlands by Viglius

Today is the first time I address my fellow eSwiss in this newspaper. How proud I am to be finally able to say that: fellow eSwiss! After some two months in eAustria, I came to this beautiful country in the closing days of 2011, after having already tried to do so in October. I hope my time as a citizen here will be as pleasant as my time as eDutch Ambassador was. Thanks for the warm welcome, and let’s work together on furthering the cause of eSwitzerland!

Editor-in-Chief MoDDeR

Last night, I read the article by our new CP, Monsieur Guillontine. As a former eAustrian, and, more important, a former eDutch citizen, I know the risks antagonizing ONE holds. But I know the risks of neutrality, too, and both are choices with certain problems involved.

To use Shakespeare: There's small choice in rotten apples (The Taming of the Shrew, Act I, scene i). Either direction presents us with some daunting prospects. If, however, we were to decide to join an alliance, EDEN is the only possible option.

So, although I agree that talking this through very carefully before we act on any one possible course is a must, I do no share the view put forward by some that joining EDEN would only be favourable to our country in the short term.

My view is that we as a country have reached a crossroads: either to stay neutral and be ignored or abused, or to join an alliance and have the mere chance of success. Even if that chance is as small as it seems at this moment, I find it to be preferable to the virtual state of limbo we have been in for so long now.

The Netherlands have been neutral for a long time, only to find out that no one cared about them anymore. They are successfully joining EDEN right now, throwing the ePoles out on the way. That's a precedent I would like to follow here.

So, let us debate this issue as broadly as possible before we act. After all, whether we follow one or the other road, what we need most in this country is inscribed on the dome of the Federal Palace: Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno! As long as our acts mirror that famous motto, eSwitzerland will not be divided by issues like this. On the contrary.