1940 Greece

Day 1,438, 04:42 Published in USA Albania by CPIRRAZ

The Day of No, the refusal of Greece to the Italian claims on ultimatum served on October 28, 1940,to the Greek prime minister, result of which was the entrance of the Country in the Second World War and the beginning of the Greek-Italian war of 1940. This date was established to be celebrated every year in Greece as an official national holiday and public holiday.

Grazzi himself in his memories, published in 1945, describes the scene: "I command you, Mr. Minister I make a statement and gave him the letter. I watched the excitement in his hands and in his eyes. With a firm voice and seeing with my eyes Metaxas said this means war. I replied that this could be avoided. He answered NO. I added that if the General Papagos ... Metaxas interrupted me and said NO! I left deference to the deepest respect, who preferred to sacrifice instead of enslavement "
Today politicans Say YES at the IMF (International Monetary Fund)
People of Greece are fed up with this situation!
PARADE OF STUDENTS TODAY - the 6th school of Peristeri had a banner that said They put us out of the parade, but we are here and all the students wear black shirts

Many attacks at the members of Greek parlament took place during the parades along the country from Crete Patra and Athens to Town Thessaloniki