[Dept. Of Education] Fighting

Day 1,504, 06:11 Published in Australia Australia by Aus Ministry of Finance

This article will explain how to fight for Australia and her allies. This will ensure that you do the best for Australia and make sure you fight smart.


It is important that you prepare for the battle you will be fighting in. The first step is choosing which battle you want to fight in, a list of all wars can be found by clicking the wars button found in the main menu.

However not all of these battles are important to Australia, and in fact fighting for them may cause more harm than good. This is why it is recommended you fight for the battles outlined by the Department of Defence. They publish a newspaper around day change with suggested battles. You can find that here:


Now that you have chosen a battle, it is a good idea to work and train before going into fight, so that you have some food and you can buy weapons.

Ensure that you have enough food and weapons to last how every many fights or hits you are willing to do. Each kill will require 10-50 health and will use up 1 weapon durability for every 10 health used.

You also need to ensure that you are in the right location for the battle. Some battles such as resistance wars require you to be in the same place as the battle is taking place, however most battles will allow you to fight from Australia.


Durability refers to how many times you may use it and firepower is the damage effect.

Unlike the different qualities of food, where they all heal different amounts of health; there is a real difference between the qualities of weapons. The higher the quality of the weapon, the more influence you can put into a battle as well as the more times you may use it before it crumbles to dust.

In addition to the normal weapons there is a special weapon that is awarded for completing the Daily Order, collecting parts & from various missions. This weapon is called the Bazooka. For more info one the Bazooka refer to this Article.


Now that you are completely prepared to go into battle, let’s take a look at the battle screen.

On the left hand side, it shows your health, avatar, name and strength as well as what weapon you are currently using. On the other, it shows exactly the same but for your opponent.

"My damage" refers to the amount of influence you have added in this current battle.

The bar below it is your rank bar which shows your progression onto the next military rank.

You may begin to fight. Fighting is as simple as pressing the fight button which will kill your opponent if you have enough health to inflict the required number of hits. 1 Hit uses 10 Health & 1 Weapon durability.

Every single time you press the fight button, the following will happen:

You will lose 10 health times the number of "hits" that were required to complete the kill.
Your weapon’s durability will be decreased by however many hits were used.
You will deal damage to your opponent

Once your opponent is killed the following will happen:

Your influence will be added to the battle
You will get experience points
You will gain rank points

You can continue to fight until your health reaches 0, at this point you must increase it to continue fighting. But that is why you prepared yourself with food and weapons.

Things you Should Do

Here are some other things you can do to interact within the community and perhaps find the answers to any other questions you may have:

Join the eAustralian Forums
View other articles from the Department of Education
The Department of Defence Newspaper
The Prime Minister's Newspaper
Ask Questions on IRC
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Join the Australian Defense Force