My Proudest Moment?

Day 1,470, 13:57 Published in USA USA by Dru Blood

First you must go read Fionia’s article, Another Writer’s Challenge. Now, since I am the Agent Provocateur I just can’t resist a twisting of the rules, my article will be about my least proud moment in eRepublik; since it involves what I thought was my proudest moment.

Everyone recognizes the above Logo. It is one that a great many citizens wear with pride on their Avatars to this day. In my other persona as the Troll Extraordinaire I took exception to this party and it’s symbolism, I fought with righteous indignation against them because I felt their imagery was one of hate. Even though I still hold that belief, I must admit that I admired their unity, their willingness to stick together to the bitter end. For some that end still is not here, some proudly display their past affiliation with this party. At first I simply couldn’t believe it, S.E.E.S. still in charge; the ruling elite who I had so grown to hate was still a cancer upon America...SHIT!

How can this be, this evil still existing; I had thought them defeated, but no! Then it came to me, I had not won; the symbols were gone, but the spirit remained. With a flash of epiphany my brain was seared with the thought -it couldn’t be- they had been right; egads the symbols were wrong but the spirit remained! What had I done! The spirit is what mattered, the symbols were window dressing and even my pontificating against them was of no value; all that mattered was the spirit. We know it as the American Spirit, another would be team work; personally I like ‘Team Work’, even sounds better. That was what S.E.E.S. had gotten right, the camaraderie, the common goals...the TEAM WORK.

I choose this symbol for a party I toyed with in my previous incarnation for a reason, unfortunately no one beside myself got it; of course I didn’t present it very well so.... Why? Well because it has 13 stars, I thought back to when I was fighting the revolutionary war; thinking why did I fight? It was quite simple, it was for freedom; I wanted to be a free American. Ignoring for a moment the words emblazoned on the icon, I saw this as a symbol of freedom; the Shield of Freedom. Since the words upon the disk are rather striking let’s return to them, why America First? With out American Nationalism we are nothing, plain and simple. The Poles know it, the Spaniards understand it; but we have forgotten it. What America needs is unity, political and military unity; a goal that all Americans can get behind. Unity in America and the reclaiming of our regions. Now do those words mean we forget our friends, our allies; NO. Without our allies standing firm against our common enemies of Poland, Spain and their ONE allies we can not hope to remain free. We must first come together as a Nation with National Pride, reclaiming our regions along the way; we as Americans must show unity before we can expect unity with our allies. My least proud moment was when I realized my enemies had been right, the spirit of unity had made America strong and I had weakened it by sowing the seeds of discord.

My proudest moment will come when America, with old wounds healing, once more rediscovers that unity.