Ugoda ePolska - eNiemcy

Day 1,428, 11:48 Published in Poland Poland by Minister Spraw Zagranicznych

W dniu dzisiejszym zostało podpisane porozumienie pomiędzy prezydentem ePolski staruszkiem i prezydentem eNiemiec ilphenem.
Ugoda została poddana debacie w kongresie oraz głosowaniu, w którym została przyjęta w tej formie stosunkiem głosów:
17 głosów za oddaniem 2 regionów,
3 głosy za oddaniem 3 regionów,
7 głosów przeciwko,
1 głos wstrzymujący się.

Treść porozumienia:
CP of the Germany

CP of Poland

1.Poland will be obliged to cede 2 regions: Thuringia and Saxony - Anhalt to Germany.
2.Germany will not start or support any RW in regions regions belonging to Poland.
3.Germany after gaining mentioned regions will not NE Poland or attack its regions.
4.In case of changing the regions under Germany control, or adding one, agreement of both sides will be needed.
5. In case of breaking the agreement by Germany, Poland will NE Germany and regain all German regions.
6.This agreement starts with the date of signing.

This treaty will come into immediate effect when the following 3 conditions have been met:

when both above mentioned CP’s agree with this proposal a 3rd party (another CP who’s accepted by both parties) signed this treaty as a witness after all parties have published this treaty in the official state newspaper of their countries.

If in agreement, please write the word SIGNED next to your name :

- - SIGNED 18/10/2011 - 19:43 PL time
CP of Poland

- - SIGNED 18/10/2011 - 19:46 DE time
CP of Germany

Witnessed by impartial 3rd Party:
- - SIGNED - 18/10/2011 - time
CP of Hungary "

nanto, MSZ ePolski