What to subscribe to – Papers recommended by H.Nelson

Day 1,371, 00:06 Published in Australia Australia by H.Nelson

Dear Readers,

This article is similar to the one I published about a year ago and serves as a collection of recommended newspapers. If you are interested in the media module or just new to our community I suggest you subscribe to these papers in order to have a broader picture on what's going on in eAustralia.

You can always access your subscriptions by clicking on the ‘Newspaper subscriptions’ button on the main page.

It is also a good idea to bookmark the page featuring the latest news so that you can learn about the hottest topics as they happen.

I’d like to mention at the outset that apart from official government papers the following list is completely subjective reflecting my very own point of view regarding what is currently useful or interesting for me. However, there’s no doubt that it is a list recommended for anyone who would like to keep up with all the events and news of our country.

Clicking the small icon will take you to the latest article of the given newspaper.

¤ Government papers

Aus Department of Defence

by the Australian Defence Department

Up-to-date battle orders with basic instructions on where and how to fight. Remember to check it out before you fight to see where your damage is needed the most. The paper contains links to some military contents and regularly features recruitment calls.

Dept of Information

by the eAus Department of Information

For the past few presidential terms this paper has been a compass to eAussie politics, bringing the issues closer to everyone. Published at least once a week the paper includes regular topics like Senate and Cabinet updates, the Prime Minister’s announcements, election results, war reports and a lot more.

¤ Private papers

The Book of Dear Father

by Dartreal

Dartreal’s comics are simply terrific; he can make fun out of anything with his lovely comic characters. If you want to learn more about eAustralian history then his series ‘The eAustralian eHistory eComic’ is a must read. Lately he is much concerned with the current state of eAustralia (keep in mind that it is for the lulz) and also running a writing contest with great prizes.

The Thinking Man's Paper

by Claza

Although only two articles have been published so far, the one with last week’s eAustralian media roundup looks more than promising. As far as I know weekly reviews of articles can be expected from Claza so his paper is definitely worth subscribing to.

The Daily Crumpet

by Mr Crumpets

While Mr Crumpets (formerly known as CrowdedHouse and Goose Step) is probably one the most controversial characters in eAustralia his talent of getting his message through with his articles is unquestionable. When he comes up with a topic you can be sure it is a hot one.

Flatty's Ramblings

by Flatty

Current eAustralian Minister of Social Services Flatty has already launched some initiatives of great interest and I believe there’s plenty more to come from him. He is very much dedicated to educating our newbies; his most recent articles include some important information on the Australian Defence Force and a short guide on how to get on IRC.

¤ International papers

Sentimental Journal

by uxini

Global military updates on alliances and territories held by countries from a Romanian player. Updates are released quite frequently so you won’t miss out on geopolitical changes in the New World. Special issues include a flash presentation of military units and a top list of countries by the number of local military units.

The Voice of EDEN

by the Brotherhood of EDEN

It is always a good idea to keep an eye on the official EDEN newsletter. EDEN stands for Erepublik Defence & Economy Network, an alliance eAustralia is currently a member of. The paper could be an important read for those interested in the events of the global scene.

Global Economic Review

by Jack Lantos

A former eAustralian now eSpaniard still publishing in English and still releasing interesting material. He mainly focuses on the twisted world of eRepublik itself, often with a witty and ironic approach; his study on different eRepublik personalities is a must-read.

I think that's about it for now. If you like my article and appreciate my efforts please remember to

Best regards,

Commander of the Order of Australia
Former Prime Minister of Australia
14-time Senator for Queensland
8-time Party President
3-time Inspector General
Battle Hero in Eastern Cape
Resistance Hero of Queensland
Resistance Hero of New South Wales