[M&N][外電] 大總統的謊言 (By Sperry)

Day 1,349, 20:10 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Lagos Baunty

文章標題為[CP] The Great Presidential Lie

這位總統的報紙值得一看:Northern Standard









也許其他人都把這些缺點看得比較重,因為他們通常有高標準或者認為自己的時間寶貴,他們習慣每天被說『u rox mai soxxorz』(譯按:我認為是You rox my sox, 0rz !,所以應該翻『你是我的最愛』),而忽略了這個職位所給予的快樂。

但我想告訴每一味想當總統的人:我喜歡這份工作,我覺得很有趣,無需考慮,我會(試著)再當一次!( I think it's fun. I would (try) to do it again in a heartbeat.)當然,我做錯過一些事,也知道有些是不專業的,但這不及我曾經心理準備的『地獄般的一個月』。從個人、現實生活中享受的角度來看,我有過一次很棒的經歷。


The Great Presidential Lie:

I am such a stinker.

Before I ran for President - and particularly while I was running, a lot of CPs told me all sorts of things. That this job is thankless, boring, stressful, time-consuming, useless, harmful to social lives, and bad for hygiene. Among other things.

Would-be Presidents, from a guy who's had the job, this is a lie.

This job is not thankless. eRep has plenty of those - trust me - and this ain't one of them. Sure, not every citizen will value what you do. Not everyone will like you. Certainly there will always be somebody who thinks you're insane/useless/a panda. But by and large, the idea that you will spend 30 days being hated is an exaggeration.

I've seen pieces of the other criticisms. Boring moments here or there, stressful times when I wondered if Poland would roll over and use us as Toilet Paper. And certainly I don't smell like a bouquet of flowers. But again, most of the time, this isn't true. Most of the time, I find this job very enjoyable, and a great way to be a part of a game I've been drawn to for 2 years.

Perhaps others see these downsides a little more because they're used to higher standards of cleanliness, or more personal time off. Perhaps they're used to being told "u rox mai soxxorz" more often each day than this job provides.

But what I want to impress upon any would-be Presidents, is that I like this job. I think it's fun. I would (try) to do it again in a heartbeat. And while I've certainly made mistakes, or done things I now know weren't "pro", this isn't nearly the 'month of hell' I was told to prepare myself for. From a personal, real-life-enjoyment standpoint, I've had a great time with this.

Illegitimi non carborundum, Canada. If you want to do this job, give it a go. If you think you have what it takes, try. Don't for a moment hold yourself back because some people didn't love it. Get your hands e-dirty, and give it a wave. Worst case scenario, you don't win. And even then, it's just a game.

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