My Concession and the iNCi Debacle [UPDATED!]

Day 1,193, 21:27 Published in USA Germany by Alex Drex

First of all, I hereby concede defeat in the Congressional race in the state of Utah. I have receive a total of three votes, while two candidates have the majority of 27 and 26 votes each. Thank you to those who have voted for me, and expect to see me around and running again next month. I would like to wish the best of luck to the two of my opponents, Malco Reynol and sikimiye, who are still in a near deadlock in this race. Good luck to both of you, it’s been a close one!

Me when I saw the results of this election.

Now, onto the more pressing issue of this article, the iNCi, and the massive wave of Xenophobia sweeping across the eNation this election day. This election day has resulted in a large number of iNCi candidates winning their races, with some more still too close to call. Many in the US fear the iNCi’s new political power, even some of those who welcomed them in the first place.

I was one of those who welcomed iNCi when they first decided to move from Turkey to the United States, and today, I stand by my belief that they should be welcome here. Many are worried that iNCi will take the US down a path to ruin, but there is no proof of that. In the past months they’ve been in America, they’ve fought for us in many battles, dropping some important damage, and fighting where it was vital to win. There is no sign that iNCi would have any desire to take the US down, why would they? All they’ve wanted to do since they’ve moved here is be welcome in a new home. It would not make sense for them to destroy their new home, once they were just starting to fit in.

I stand by my belief that iNCi is truly just trying to integrate into their new home, the United States, which many of encouraged them to do. I welcomed iNCi into the US, it would be simply hypocritical if I did not welcome them to run for, and be elected to, a position of political power within the US as well.

staring at hypocrites.

Until there is concrete proof that the iNCi wish to cause harm to the United States, I will continue to welcome them into our country and society, and into public office. As a side note, those of you who have recently been elected to Congress (both iNCi and non-iNCi) please read this article.

Finally, I would like to say that I will be posting an interview with gs10, a leader of iNCi in awhile. I spoke with him on IRC recently and asked about an interview and he agreed to it. Because of our timezone differences, and how busy he currently is, I wrote up some questions and sent him to him via PM. I await his responses, and as soon as I get them I will publish them in this paper. Check for the next release of this paper to see that interview!


While I was on IRC in a few channels, including the #ATO channel (because I can) I was speaking with some people about the iNCi. I explained that I thought that iNCi should be able to run, and that I did not see them as a PTO threat. They agreed that iNCi should be able to run, but they should not be able to have so much power. I then retorted with "If USWP or Libs were to be in this situation, would you coordinate the rest of the nation against them as well?" I received a surprising response. "Yes."

This response surprised me, as I thought that a main reason of the recent fear over iNCi was the fact that they are Turkish, and while I think that is a large part of it (especially seeing all the derogatory things written on IRC about the Turks today), it seems that it is not the sole reason. They do not want people to have too much power. I am not sure which is worse, the fact that I thought our nation was Xenophobic, or that it seems we do not truly have the democratic ideals I thought we did. I responded with a "well, it seems we are not the democratic nation I thought we were." I was quickly asked to leave, so I did.

People of America, this truly saddens me. I don't think I've ever seen something like this happen before. Back in Germany, I was often involved in politics, and often was in Congress. We never stopped people from getting a majority if they were elected. Of course, all parties tried to pick up as many seats as possible by using voting coordination just like here (something I've never been a fan of that seems to be a major part of the game) but never, not even once can I remember where we tried to get the entire nation to coordinate just to stop one party from getting a large majority. The only time I can think of was during the PTOs in the past that Germany faced, during which the Polish PTOers printed off 600,000 DEM trying to ruin the economy, etc.

I can understand people fearing the iNCi as a PTO threat, while I disagree as there is no proof (there was definitely proof of the Polish PTOers of Germany trying to do harm to them), but to learn that the fear is just having a party in control of Congress, is truly confusing to me. Are we not a democratic nation anymore? What has happened that I am unaware of? Since when do we need to "correct" the choices of the people with #ATO vote coordination? #ATO should be used when we're under actual threat of PTO by a hostile force, not to keep American citizens from reaching a majority in a "democratically" elected Congress.

Thanks for reading!

Alex Drex
Socialist Freedom Party Member