Alternating Alliances - Stay Up to Date on Strategic Ups and Downs in eRepublik

Day 1,190, 23:51 Published in Egypt Croatia by Janko Fran

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熊猫号角第一百五十九期: 当今全球地缘政治分析

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This is an English edition of the article ANALIZA - BUDITE U TOKU [ANALYSIS - STAY UP TO DATE](In Croatian) written by Smiljan and published in his newspapers Otprilike ovako (Something like this) on Day 1,188 of the New World. It was also the article which brought him a Media Mogul Medal a few days ago. This English edition is going almost parallelly with the one by Croatian Ministry of Information in the latest issue of Info Minute issued during the last night. However, as there is a Croatian saying that Morning is smarter than evening, this morning we bring this excellent geostrategic analysis, with latest exclusive updates and freshest morning comments by Smiljan, to eEgyptian public and the whole eWorld to read.

More details about current battles on the eWorld battlefields you can read in the Overview of the current military situation worldwide (BattleFront News)


Recent diplomatic activities bring many changes in global geopolitical situation on daily basis! For start, we have an unexpected Russian move signing MPP with the US, as well as unexpected move by Byelorussia signing MPP with Bulgaria as well as Russia signing MPP with Byelorussia.

As Russia is joining PANAM, tactical position of this alliance is improving. There have been peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, conditioned by Russian demand of keeping Taurida saltpeter region, which Ukraine declined. There was also a problem with signing a MPP between Russia and Byelorussia. Ukrainians are afraid that Byelorussians will fight against Ukraine through their MPP with Russia, although Byelorussans are convincing Ukraine that they won't. Romanian problem with Moldova, which was TO-ed by Russia, is being solved, so probably some things will be sorted out in relations of Romania and Russia.

More on this diplomatic issue you can read in an article written by Ukrainian ambassador [eUkrainian Ambassador]: Russia join PANAM [EN]. It would be good to solve these problems as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, that's not the only problem that needs to be solved between EDEN and PANAM. Hungary is headed through Ukraine to get to Byelorussia, because Polish PTO-ers don't have majority in Byelorussian congress, to prevent Byelorussia being lost for NWO. Will Russia activate in this part of battlefield and move with Romania against Hungary, or maybe Poland itself, depends on solving before mentioned issues.

Another problem represents Brazilians fighting on Turkish side, when the Turks broke the peace terms signed in their peace agreement with Greece. Greeks have fought on Peruvian side in the battle for North Brazil, just in spite. Polish president Cerber has tried to use it and turn Greece towards NWO, which can be seen in his article written for Greeks [Poland MoFA] Thank you Greece, for your war efforts against the Brazil. It seems that his attempt hasn't succeeded, because after that there has been an article published, written by Greek player, which sky-rocketed right to the Top 1 International DEAR CROATIAN BROTHERS.....WE STAND STRONG NEXT TO YOU .

However, the problem on the relation Greece-Turkey hasn't been solved yet. NWO, that is, Hungarians, which are trying to use this situation to attract Turkey to their side and you can read more about it in the article written by Nalaja PANAM and EDEN: Partners or rivals - in Japan & Turkey?

So EDEN and PANAM have to resolve these issues as soon as possible, because we are running out of time!

It would be better for EDEN to have attracted Russia on their side, although Russia entering PANAM is not a bad situation either, certainly better than Russia being in NWO.

Bulgaria is following its planned track to Indian regions, which they will rent from India according to their agreement. It seems that Bulgaria has some problems with unanimity, which can be seen from the plea by Bulgarian country president to his citizens Девето президентско обръщение.

Concerning the situation in Scandinavia, Finland has officially declared for EDEN, while Sweden, seems to be indecisive on choosing its side. There have been rumors of Sweden joining NWO. The details on this subject can be read in this article written by Lonestar Sverige väljer sida, dags för världskrig!.

There have been some tensions in diplomatic relations between Croatia and Sweden last days. The details can be found in the official Swedish
Ministry of Foreign Affairs newspapers in the article titled An open letter to eCroatia from The eSwedish Government, written by Swedish president Valnad as a reaction to Croatian MoFA newspapers article MVP donosi - Never interrupt your opponent ... - Half time results [MoFA brings to you - Never interrupt your opponent when making a mistake - Half time results](in Croatian) (written by Croatian MoFA Atea), actually to its English translation to be more precise. As it seems, some things got lost in translation and some nuances in meaning needed to be weighted more carefully when translating, especially when dealing with diplomacy and international affairs. Anyway, it seems that things have been sorted out between Sweden and Croatia and that this alliance continues.

Swedish reaction was expected because things for NWO are not going as they have expected. The US-Polish war shouldn't have started before the US-Polish MPP expires. Loss of Polish resource colonies in France and China has lead to increased inner political instability in Poland, so Polish president Cerber looses time trying to extinguish fire at home.

Poles have also realized that they are not as strong as they thought they are, and these last events have brought them back to reality. However, they have also realized that it's to late to return to their old allies just as nothing has happened, and they are still not ready to acknowledge their mistake and ask for pardon. It seems that difficult times are coming for Poland and Spain!

As it seems, NWO has estimated that the USA are still too much of a bite, and that they should concentrate their efforts on Brazil. If they manage to erase Brazil from the map, PANAM could fall apart. Then it would be much easier to get for the USA.

We can see that NWO is staggering, as Sweden decided to stay away from it and stay with EDEN more firmly. We still remember how Sweden and Poland attacked Germany in the times of Atlantis Alliance, while all these three countries were Atlantis members and as a result Atlantis fell apart and Germany irretrievably left Atlantis allies and joined PEACE.

The reaction of Sweden seems as the last minute catching up with eWorld events.

Concerning Norway, the situation also seems unclear, but if we judge by speculations of NWO and possible Serbian route to the UK through Norway. Anyway, it is possible that Norway will follow Sweden.

As you know, the UK has decided to rent its two regions with oil and fish to Serbia. However, Serbia also tried to get Scotland, in order to start its warpath to the US. After diplomatic and media pressure by the US, the UK has turned down such Serbian request, so Serbia stays in the UK for now without options to attack the US from Britain, which can be seen from the article of the Ministry of Information of Serbia [Министарство информисања] Ваш гласник > будите информисани!

Serbia could find another way to the US through Belgian Flanders region, or some other French coastal regions. Canada has also started moving to Ireland in order to close the path for Serbia to the Emerald isle, which has caused them to lose Croatian MPP.

In North American continent situation seems to get complicated. After Polish president Cerber provocation through 'accidental' NE bill proposition against the USA, Poland has proclaimed Mexico as their NE. By conquering Mexican regions, Poland strengthens its strategic position in the hearth of North America. From Mexico Poland could move to Brazil or to the USA, depending on tactical situation on battlefields.

The USA could have a problem bordering with Indonesia, which are in a position to attack Hawaii islands. Indonesian players are thrilled by option of attacking the US, and seem eager to join NWO, but we'll see what will be their official policy! The US is lobbying hard for Indonesia to join PANAM. Polish MPP with the US is ending in a week, and it certainly won't be renewed. By then NWO members should reach their planned positions and finish their diplomatic activities. It remains to be seen whose diplomacy will be more successful.

South American situation is still very complicated. Spain is holding Venezuelan regions bordering Brazil, although North Brazil has been returned and Peru is losing against Argentine and Brazil. Attack on Brazil becomes possible from Polish occupied Mexico. New Zealand could make some problems as well, being PTO-ed by Serbia.

Inner political situation in Poland is still not clear. There are significant Polish forces, which don't agree with Polish current foreign policy lead by Polish government. That can be seen from the article of Polish player Qbass333 Podsumowanie kadencji Smrtana styczeń 2011. It's also interesting to read this article written by wal do sznur Polakom gratulujemy prezydenta vol. 2.0, as well as this by vejderr Quo vadis Polonia?

There have been large protests when in the Polish Ministry of Defense newspapers appeared official order to fight against Croatia in battle for Lika and Gorski Kotar. After that incident, Polish MoD doesn't issue any official orders against Croatia. We shall see for how long. Lately, there have been attempts made by Polish propaganda machinery to try to convince Poles that Croatia is a traitor, in order to turn Poles against Croatia. In this way Poland could take active part in battles against Croatia. It is still uncertain if the manipulation of Polish citizens would succeed.

It would be very useful for both, EDEN and PANAM, that stronger EDEN countries sign MPP with France, Brazil, Argentina and Russia in order to allocate battle influence over MPPs more effectively. NWO diplomacy has worked on Greek and Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) approaching, so it wouldn't be too bad for EDEN diplomacy to try to finish what has been started and bring Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) to EDEN together with Greece, which would improve geopolitical position of EDEN in Balkans.

Although currently there is strong focus on events on both American continents, the European situation is also not fabulous. The whole Europe is a barrel of gunpowder with its fuse already lit in the Balkans peninsula. It will be nasty when it explodes completely. There is a whole list of active and possible wars: Russian – Polish war, constantly active Hungarian – Romanian and Croatian – Serbian wars, possibly Bulgarian – Serbian war, also French – Polish, and French – Spanish wars, and, if Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) joins NWO, there would be almost certain war between Greece and Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)as there is a possibility that Greece will try getting to the border with Serbia and starting Greek-Serbian war.

So it is likely that there will be much pressure on Serbia in Europe, beside the probable war with the US. If the UK changes sides again and joins PANAM, there is a possibility of war between the UK and Serbia as well.

Poland, Serbia, Spain, and probably Indonesia could start a simultaneous attack on the US. Most probably there will be synchronized attacks on Brazil by Poland and Spain.

With recent successful RW in Chinese region Zheijiang, previously held by Poland, Poland has lost its position in Asia, which makes tactical position of EDEN and PANAM a bit easier. Poland also lost its rubber region in France. That doesn't make French position much easier, because France could be squeezed by Spain or Poland anytime.

Coordination, smart influence allocation and cooperation between members of EDEN, as well as between members of PANAM, and of course coordination of these two alliances are a necessary condition for a success. However, having fewer members in NWO also means much easier coordination and much easier allocation of resources in fights than for EDEN or for PANAM. If EDEN and PANAM could surpass certain disagreements and achieve high level of cooperation and organization, NWO will have a lot of problems.

These two successfully won RWs in China and France are results of cooperation and coordination of EDEN and PANAM, which means that relations of these two alliances are getting better every day.

Translated, edited and adapted to English by Janko Fran.

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