Let us welcome....LAND!

Day 1,175, 10:47 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Chetan Zapato

So now we have "land". How nice, its way better than living in sheer open space or the sea that we had before we crawled out to land. Seriously, could't it have been a better name?

well anyways, it seems that this comes with some benefits, such as cheaper companies at 10 gold instead of 20. Yet we only get 3 free slots, with 2 other ones priced at 1000 NZD!!! Good thing we have soo much money to spare...

But in the long run, this will be more expensive for those of us with economic ambitions. If 100 NZD were to go at 1 Gold, then it would be alright but since it isn't, it will be more expensive in the long run. Its not much of a difference to complain, especially since some of us might only have 1 or 2 companies and since the admins are regulating the market, hopefully with positive outcomes.

In the end, who knows if it will help us or make things worse. On the IRC, Nettoboy claims that the market will fail in about a week. He paints a trend that people will seek cheap companies, work themselves as managers, and depend less on employees(and even fire some who are surplus). Then these workers will have less money to spend and thus buy less. It is an ugly picture.


Others such as Ronell agree whereas others think it wont happen and people will buy gold to compensate. All we have is time to see the economic results.

In another perspective, the new "lands" adds some aesthetic organisation of our places, yet a reorganization of lists was needed. It took me a few minutes to find my Newspaper to write this, and my political party isn't located in the same place anymore. Hopefully they will add it to our "lands" as they did with the training ground, without expending our available slots.

In closing, i want to congratulate Koska de STRAH on winning and wish WelshLad good luck on all his future endeavors and thank him for running a good race. Sorry this is late but the best of luck to you both on helping our nation expand into greatness.

Chetan Zapato