And yet again...

Day 1,170, 21:49 Published in Australia Australia by Derek Apollyon

I present the most recent draft of the eAustralian Consitution! The reason for republishing is because I'm running a poll for non-Govt people to vote on it - it's just a public opinion poll though.

eAustralia Constitution Act 2011
Parliament of eAustralia
Table of Contents
Chapter I — The Parliament
Part I — General
Part II — The Prime Minister
Part III — The Senate
Part IV — The Speaker
Chapter II — Government Procedure
Chapter III — The High Court of eAustralia
Chapter V — Constitutional Alterations

a. PM/Prime Minister - the President under the eRepublik Game System
b. Senator - a Congress member under the eRepublik Game System
c. Senate - the Congress under the eRepublik Game System
d. Speaker - the Speaker of the Senate, elected by the Senators each term.
e. Deputy Speaker/s - the Deputy Speaker/s of the Senate, elected by the Senators each term
f. Majority Approval - Stated agreement with a proposal in a Discussion Topic by vote of 50%+1 of voting Senators
g. eAustralian Forums – shall be the official forms of the eAustralian community wherever they may be situated.


The eAustralia Constitution Act 2011 is enacted under the Authority of the eRepublik eAustralian Parliament on this the XXth day of XXX in the year of 2011 (also known as day XXX of the New World in eRepublik), and by the authority of the same, as follows:--

1. This Constitution Act shall be binding on all future Governments, the people and citizens, current and new, now and in future admitted to eAustralia.

2. Any changes to this, the eAustralia Constitution Act, may only be made according to Chapter IV – Constitutional Alterations.

3. Constitution of eAustralia shall be as follows:--

Chapter I — The Parliament

Part I - General

4. The legislative power of eAustralia will be vested in the eAustralian Parliament, which shall consist of the Prime Minister and the Senate, and which shall be called "The Parliament".

5. The Parliament of eAustralia will operate at all times on the eAustralian Forums.

Part II — The Prime Minister

6. The Prime Minister shall be voted into their position by the People of eAustralia during the Official eRepublik Vote for President.

7. The Prime Minister MUST be a registered member of the eAustralia Forums.

8. The PM is responsible for all funds and assets of the government. At the PM's discretion, he/she may delegate those responsibilities to another eAustralian citizen to act on behalf of the PM. The PM is to be held accountable for the actions of his delegates. Should the PM, or his/her delegate, fail to manage the funds and assets of the government in a responsible manner, any member of the senate may introduce an impeachment in accordance with the game mechanics.

Part III — The Senate

Section A – Structure
9. The Senate shall be voted into their positions by the People of eAustralia during the Official eRepublik Vote for Congress each month.

10. Each nominee for Senator at the Congress Elections SHOULD be a Registered User on the eAustralian Forums.

11. ONLY duly Elected Senators and the PM may Vote in the Voting Hall.

Part IV — The Speaker

Section A – Speaker and Deputy Speaker Role
13. The Speaker and Deputy Speakers shall be elected from the members of the Senate at the beginning of each new Senate Term.

14. There shall be the following positions:

i. Speaker;
ii. Deputy Speaker/s (optional);

15. The Speaker (and Deputy Speaker if appointed) are responsible for:

i. Full moderation of the Senate, Senators Actions and Behaviour;
ii. declaring if a motion is in order;
iii. calling votes;
iv. declaring the results of votes;
v. declaring whether debate should be extended or not;
vi. amending passed legislation;
vii maintaining the Senate Library;
viii. chairing all general discussion;
ix. censoring vulgar/unparliamentary language or behaviour;
x. removal of a Senator from the Chamber for a small period of time; and
xi. any other duties the Senate may decide from time to time.

16. The Deputies must follow directions issued by the Speaker at all times.

Section B – Speaker Criteria
17. To be nominated for the Speaker Role, a Senator must meet the following Criteria:

i. Have served at least 2 Terms in the eAustralian Senate;
ii. May NOT be Prime Minister.

18. Where more than 1 Person is nominated a vote shall take place within the Senate forum and the person with the highest number of Senator Votes shall be named the Speaker and the second highest the Deputy Speaker.

19. Where the Speaker believes the need will be necessary, they may nominate a 2nd Deputy Speaker.

Section C – Speaker and Deputy Speaker Nominations
20. On the 26th of each Month, directly after the Senate Elections have finished on eRepublik, the Past Speaker shall commence a New Topic to remain open for a period of no less than 24 hours in the Senate forum labele😛 Speaker Nominations.

21. Nominations are required to be seconded by a different Senator

22. Nominees nominated by others are required to accept or reject the nomination in a specific post doing so, prior to the closing of the Nomination Topics. Failure to do so will mean that the nominee is not added to the voting list. No nomination of another play may be made in the Acceptance or Rejection post.

23. After the 24 hour nomination period the Past Speaker shall institute the Voting procedure should their be more than 2 nominee.

24. The Vote for the Topics shall run for a period of 24 hours. The New Speaker will be the one with the Majority of votes.

25. The new Speaker may select any number of deputies from the candidate list in any order. Votes gained by other candidates may be taken as a guide for the Speaker but shall not bind them either in terms of number of deputies or in terms of which Senators to appoint as deputy. The Speaker shall report any appointment or removal of deputies to the Senate.

26. The Past Speaker will add the New Speaker, and the Deputy if there is one, to the respective Speaker Membergroups and remove them self within 2 days after the completion of voting and appointments.

Section D – Speaker Removal
27. A Speaker may be removed from their postion in one of two ways, these being either due to lack of Confidence by the Senate through a Motion of No Confidence or via High Court Ruling for Illegal actions or behaviour.

28. Removal through Vote of No Confidence by the Senate: a [Motion] needs to be moved by a Senator and seconded by 2 others. Discussion shall occur for a period of no more than 48 hours and a vote of the Senate taken which shall last for not more than 24 hours. The Speaker shall be removed should the Yes vote be at least 66% of Voting Senators.

29. Removal by the High Court: The Speaker may also be removed from their postion through a case being presented to the High Court and a ruling by the High Court for illegal actions or conduct. Should this occur and be ruled, then the Speaker shall immediately be removed from their role by the Senate.

30. Should a Speaker be removed from the postion or resign, then the following shall apply:

i. The first deputy Speaker shall take over;
ii. If the First Deputy does not wish the role, then the Second Speaker shall take over;
iii. If the Second Deputy does not wish the role, or there are no Deputy Speakers, then a new election for the Speaker role shall be held, provided there is more than 72 hours remaining in the Senate Term.
Iv: If there is less than 72 hours remaining in the Senate Term then the most Senior and Experienced Senator shall be required to take over the role until after the election of the New Speaker in the new Senate Term.

Chapter II — Government Procedure

31. The Prime Minister may, should he so choose, bring any discussion to the Senate regarding any of the following options prior to proposing them in eRepublik:

i. Message to new citizens
ii. Alliance (MPP)
iii. Buy construction
iv. Declare war
v. Trade embargo
vi. Propose peace
vii. Natural Enemy
viii. any other that may be added in-game by the Admins

32 Should the Prime Minister choose not to do so they may, at their choice, simply propose any of the above and hope that the members of the Senate support the action.

33. Money will not be shipped to a separate organisation to be used at the Prime Minister's whim. It must be asked for using the eRepublik proposal mechanism. If a specific transfer is not presented as part of a proposal, it is treated as a separate item and may be voted against, and denied, by the senators as per the game mechanics.

34. Any request for Senator appropriate laws as outlined below will require the Prime Minister to request a Senator propose said request in eRepublik and allow each Senator to vote as they see fit in relation to it:

i. New citizen fee
ii. Change taxes
iii. Country donations
iv. Minimum wage
v. Issue money
vi. President Impeachment
vii. Natural Enemy
viii. any other that may be added in-game by the Admins

35. Senators may, as their elected right allows, propose any of the above laws they wish, all Senators will vote on the eRepublik system as they see fit.

Chapter III — The High Court of eAustralia

36. There shall be formed a High Court of Australia

37. The High Court shall be above and beyond political interference, although its operating procedures shall be outlined by the High Court of Australia Act.

38. The High Court shall be open to complaints and cases made by any eAustralian Citizen against another.

Chapter IV — Constitutional Alterations

39. This Constitution shall not be altered except in the following manner:--

40. A vote by the Senate and PM should be taken with the proposed changes discussed as per Government Procedure.

41. If accepted by Government Vote, the proposed changes must be placed on the Public Gallery, specifically outlining it is a [Constitutional Change] and list what the changes are from and to.

42. the Speaker shall institute this as a POLL where ALL Australians are permitted to vote upon the proposed change/s.

43. The Poll shall run for a period of 3 days, with a majority of no less than 60% of the total votes being “Yes” for the change/s to the Constitution before they may be implemented.