there's somthing about mary chan & Join The Crimson Order (Megan Fox inside)

Day 1,169, 22:39 Published in Canada Canada by Bruck's Canucks

Just sayin

The Crimson Canucks is recruiting enthusiastic, active and dedicated eCanadians that wish to be something above the rest, something above even the best. We are a highly mobile fighting force that has spear headed many conflicts around the globe and bring to it a passion to see results and the enemy defeated.

The Crimson Canucks provides to its soldiers

- Food supply drops

- Weapon supply drops

- Economy Booster money, you produce more for TCO and increase skill level at a faster pace

- Military Booster money, you hit harder on the battlefield and increase your skill level faster

- A well organized military fighting force, promotion opportunities and a fun environment

- Weekly 50/50 draw, 50% of total cash goes to winner, 50% goes to further strength training

- Forum medals and service and medal ribbons, Crimson Soldier of the Month and Crimson Officer of the Month awards

-An opportunity to bring ideas to the table, lead fellow soldiers as officers and be a part of something bigger then yourself.

The Crimson Canucks offers you a chance to enjoy this game more, to make a bigger difference not only on the battle field but in the eCanadian community, to make you known and respected as a warrior and as a patriot.

Click the COG and start your new eLife today, enlist and meet your full potential.