Croatian-Arab ATO of Egypt, PTOs and Kiwis [EN-HR] + eWorld Top News

Day 1,167, 10:52 Published in Croatia Croatia by Janko Fran
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ATOs and PTOs - Croatian-Arab ATO of Egypt, Serbian PTO of New Zealand, Russian PTO of UAE

As I got constructive comments on the subject of ATOs and PTOs from my correspondents, I'd like to include them in this article in order to get a broader perspective on this political topic and in order to see it from another point of view.

Risk of Egypt being PTOed by Serbs - The Upsides and the Downsides of a PTO

Here is an article on possible Serbian PTO of Egypt and discussion on upsides and downsides of a PTO writen by Mr. Jovan Tekelija (in Serbian):

Russian Flag, Arabic Brotherhood of Crescent Party Logo and Flag of UAE

Russian PTO of UAE and Croatian-Arab ATO of Egypt!

Here are two comments from the president of United Party of UAE and my correspondent, Mr. Daniel_Ki from UAE: "Unfortunately, our country is controlled by Russians, so at this moment we don't know anything, we hope they will soon leave our country. First, we want the best relationships with other Arab countries; Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and also the MPPs with these countries."

Flag of Egypt, Arab Liberal Party (EGY) Logo and Croatian Flag

"In my opinion, eEgyptian-eCroatian relationship is great because we can trust to Croatia. We hope you will build our brother country and you know that Egyptians now have big problems in RL, so I think they will not play this game for some time."

More on Croatian-Arabic ATO action and a love story behind it you can read in the previous issue title😛
eEgypt - a New Country, a New Hope!

Serbian Flag, Aotearoa Party Logo and Flag of New Zealand

Serbian PTO of New Zealand

Here are the comments on New Zealand from my correspondent Mr. Lunatic2903: "I am not sure about the official relations between Serbia and New Zealand as I just recently came back to playing eRepublik more actively. So all that I found out was from the press. New Zealanders were against Serbian community on New Zealand at first, however they have change their oppinionwhen they saw that people there has been working towards improvement and development of New Zealand."

"Our players have no prejudices about cooperating with pro-EDEN countries as USA or AUS and as a concrete positive example there was recent joint action of region-swap-war between Australia and New Zealand where New Zealand got Tasmania (Cattle) and let its region Otago (Iron) to Australia. Except that, they control stable Monetary Market, they don't issue money excessively and they have joined NZ army and build the economy working in their companies."

"So the example of New Zealand is one of brighter examples as NZ PTOers have stayed correct to the people of New Zealand although they had an opportunity to rob this country. There were also some examples of ATO actions in Montenegro and Russia, but this one in NZ was the most positive one, because the country to which we have no obvious RL connections has been preserved."

Royal New Zealand Air Force Logo

I'd also like to cite Wiki page on Kiwi (people):
"Kiwi is the nickname used internationally for people from New Zealand, as well as being a relatively common self-reference. The name derives from the kiwi, a flightless bird, which is native to, and the national symbol of, New Zealand. The usage is not offensive, being treated with pride and endearment as a uniquely recognizable term for the people of New Zealand."

Faithfully yours,

Janko Fran

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ATOovi i PTOovi - Hrvatsko-arapski ATO Egipta, srpski PTO Novog Zelanda, Ruski PTO Ujedinjenih arapskih emirata

Budući da sam dobio konstruktivne komentare na temu ATO-ova i PTO-ova od svojih dopisnika, želio bih ih uključiti u ovaj članak kako bismo dobili širu perspektivu i pogled iz drugog kuta na ovu temu.

Rizik od srpskog PTO-a Egipta - Prednosti i nedostatci PTO-a

Ovdje dajem poveznicu na članak o mogućem srpskom PTO-u Egipta i rasprava o prednostima i manama PTO-a koju je napisao Jovan Tekelija (na srpskom):

Ruska zastava, logotip stranke Arapskog bratstva polumjeseca i zastava UAE

Ruski PTO UAE i hrvatsko-arapski ATO Egipta!

Ovdje su dva komentara predsjednika Ujedinjene stranke UAE i mog dopisnika, G. Daniela_Kija iz UAE: "Nažalost, naša država je pod kontrolom Rusa, tako da u ovom trenutku ne znamo ništa, nadamo se da će uskoro otići iz naše zemlje. Najprije, željeli bismo najbolje odnose s drugim arapskim državama; Egiptom i Saudijskom Arabijom, kao i MPPove s tim državama."

Zastava Egipta, logotip Arapske liberalne stranke (EGY) i hrvatska zastava

"Prema mom mišljenju, e-egipatsko-e-hrvatski odnos je sjajan jer možemo vjerovati Hrvatskoj. Nadamo se da ćete graditi nama bratsku zemlju, a znate da Egipćani sada imaju velikih problema u stvarnom životu, tako da mislim da neće igrati ovu igru još neko vrijeme."

Opširnije o hrvatsko-arapskoj ATO akciji, kao i ljubavnoj priči u pozadini tog događaja, pročitajte u prošlom članku pod naslovom:
eEgypt - a New Country, a New Hope!

Srpska zastava, logotip stranke Aotearoa i zastava Novog Zelanda

Srpski PTO Novog Zelanda

Ovdje su komentari o Novom Zelandu mog dopisnika, Lunatic2903: "Nisam siguran za službene odnose između Srbije i Novog Zelanda jer sam se tek nedavno vratio u igru nešto aktivnije. Tako da je sve što sam saznao uglavnom iz tiska. Novozelanđani su u početku bili protiv srpske zajednice na Novom Zelandu, no promijenili su mišljenje kad su vidjeli da ekipa tamo radi na poboljšanju i razvoju Novog Zelanda."

"Naši igrači nemaju predrasuda prema suradnji s pro-EDEN državama poput SAD-a ili Australije i kao konkretan pozitivan primjer, nedavno je bila organizirana združena akcija zamjene regija u ratu Australije i Novog Zelanda gdje je Novi Zeland dobio Tasmaniju (Cattle) i dao svoju regiju Otago (Iron) Australiji. Osim toga, održavaju stabilno novčano tržište države, ne tiskaju novac, stupili su u novozelandsku vojsku, i izgradili ekonomiju radom u njihovim tvrtkama."

"Tako da je primjer Novog Zelanda jedan od svijetlijih primjera jer su PTOeri Novog Zelanda ostali korektni prema narodu Novog Zelanda iako su imali priliku opljačkati zemlju. Bilo je još nekih primjera ATO akcija u Crnoj Gori i Rusiji, no ovaj na Novom Zelandu je najpozitivniji, jer je država s kojom nemamo u stvarnom životu nikakvih očitih veza ostala očuvana."

Logotip Kraljevskih novozelandskih zračnih snaga

Također bih želio citirati Wiki stranicu o Kiwi (kao narodu):
"Kiwi je nadimak koji se međunarodno koristi za ljude s Novog Zelanda, a također je i relativno često ime kojim se sami zovu. Ime potječe od riječi kivi, ptice neletačice, koja je izvorna vrsta i nacionalni simbol Novog Zelanda. Upotreba tog imena nije uvredljiva, i izgovara se s ponosom i ljubavlju kao jedinstveni prepoznatljivi izraz za narod Novog Zelanda."

Srdačno vaš,

Janko Fran


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