Come on in.

Day 1,112, 14:33 Published in USA Australia by The Big Brown Bear

Since Candor made one I decided to make an article about the NOS too.

And, sticking to my dad's old saying "Little to no effort" I decided to make pictures in paint.

First, here is a picture of you without The NOS.

Look how sad you are. That's just depressing.

But, look at you with The NOS

Jesus Christ, look how happy you are, showing those badly drawn teeth. And all you had to do is join The NOS.

The NOS, or the dive bar is a party for anyone. Our membership includes some very respected citizens of the US and some of the craziest ones.

We are very laid back. We don't really require anything from our members.

But we also have an active community, with a pretty active forum (which we are trying hard to make even more active).

Our forums:
Our party:

Have a sexylicous day America.