BattalGazi is History. lgabor72 is the Real Deal! [Contest 10x10=100GOLD!!]

Day 1,012, 13:58 Published in Hungary Romania by Bogdan_L

No offence to BattalGazi, Durruti or RupeTot, all the great strategists and fighters from v1. The time passed by, they all seems to be History (hope you notice the capital 'H'). Great kudos to them!

But from now on, don't look for them on the battlefield. Look for lgabor72. He's the real deal! Kill him and you can make a picture. The first 4 stars Field Marshal in eRepublik!! No1 in damage, kills , just name it.

The Man is OneManShow(just remember Podolia and his moves until the end of the battle when the rest of Phoenix came).

Congrats lgabor72! But don't worry, we're coming after you! 😃

PS: Thanks Tall_niki for the great website!


Great idea by mali crnjo . Let's make a contest.

Update: Romper is right, we have to take care of the alliances.
So I modified the contest, now much easier, just kill 10 different fighters from the top 1-40(of course, if you are from Phoenix go for 10 EDEN fighters, if you are in EDEN go for 10 Phoenix fighters)

The first 10 citizens that will present a list of pictures proving that they killed 10 different fighters from Top 40(actual image) will get 10 GOLD! 10 prises of 10 GOLD !!

Just post a comment with all the legit 10 pictures and the battle of fight for each(all in one comment!), be in the in first 10 to do it and you will get your price of 10 GOLD!! Besides the glory of killing Top 10!

Top 10-20
Top 20-30
Top 30-40:

Good luck and Happy hunting!

The contest ends at 17:47 Day 1,019. So you have one full week of hunting

Oh, btw, none from the Top 40 is eligible for this contest. They must be hunted down!