Cya eUK...

Day 970, 12:54 Published in United Kingdom Germany by Skalg von Tuari

Ok it's time for me...I came here because eGermany was occupied at that time. I was a noob, knew nothing and was suddenly involved with a German exile-government - lolwut? It seemed a better idea at that time to join our British allies and help by this - so I applied for citizenship and my eDad gave it to me 😛

Shortly after this, I joined the RN, came to the forums and got involved with a great community. Some time later, I went for congress - three times I candidated for London, under the banner of TUP, some of the greatest guys the eUK has. Loads of discussions, loads of bawwing, strange guys, stranger ideas...I'm so gonna write a novel about Alice in eUK, you guys sure got some real good shit at home.

However, what's good has to end; at first, I wanted to return ASAP, but then I got involved...Now, I want a new challenge; what about returning to eGermany, where there is a Babyboom, lots of borders, fun, and so on? So, I finally have to say goodbye; let's see how long I'll stay. However, I'll always feel eBritish and stay on the forums/be available should there be need of a helping hand (that's no innuendo...).

Cya guys and thanks!">">">">">">">">