Lets help eRepublik team to make this game better and usable

Day 963, 14:52 Published in Serbia Serbia by Debeli Tata
As we all know there are gazillion articles "I quit" and "this v2 sucks". I already wrote couple of those where I explained how v2 is nothing more than v1 with nicer icons and sliders, but this time I really want to help with few proposals how to improve usability.

So lets get constructive and start with first 10 suggestions:

1. Newspaper (usability)

I'd like to access my newspaper with single click, as in v2, now it requires 2 clicks.

2. Inventory (usability)

Inventory is also "2 clicks away" in v2, it's hidden this way and it was better in v1. Also it would be nice if we can see inventory in marketplace too.

3. Sliders (usability)

Sliders are nice but not very usable, please provide input field where we can enter values

4. Vacation mode (game play)

Summer is vacation time, most of us go away for couple of weeks so we can't work, buy food ... etc. It would be great if a player can set the profile in "vacation mode" and everything freezes, the next time he logs in again - he continues from where he left.

5. No limit for minimum work hours (game play)

If we can choose how much time we will spend at work, why do we have minimum of 2 hours? Why we can't work 1 hour a day only?

6. Remove selection of raw materials from marketplace for citizens (game play)

Only organizations can buy Iron, Stone, ... and other raw materials, normal citizens can't do that, why do we have selection there? It only takes valuable space. I also know that many people would like to see prices for Iron or Hospital, but move it to another menu and free up the space in marketplace.

7. Get rid of uptown and downtown

I don't know if somebody finds uptown and downtown pages usable or amusing, but it just requires additional click ... and it's not even nice - looks kind of ugly-ish.

8. Order of item properties

Each unit on marketplace has it's own properties, why not keep the same order everywhere:

9.Newspaper articles (usability)

Allow preview or drafts for articles. Very often we see blank articles only because people missed to close a tag or something. Providing article preview is not that hard and will help a lot. Also adding more options next to "link" and "bold", for example "image" or "size" dropdown.

10. Rankings (usability)

When you click on rankings in the menu you get countries sorted by "number of chatrooms" ?!? Who care about that, that's not even relevant information, please default it to "number of citizens" or "Experience points" or any other relevant information.

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So this is only the start of my list, I will try to send you suggestions how to imrpove usability, game play and even concept. FYI I do that for a living and have more than 15 years of experience.

All those stuff are simple to do or fix, it won't make more than day of work for any developer, it just takes good will.

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Serbian: Molim vas da glasate za ovo (ne tražim subscribe) i shout-ujte da bi došlo u top-nešto ... da vide oni koji treba da vide (mrzi me da pišem peticije, i onako mi ne radi forum - kada odem tamo dobijam "database error" od vbulletin)