Entrevista con Durruti / Interview with Durruti

Day 935, 09:16 Published in Romania Poland by Skylar Vicious

Today, the idea of interviewing some great players of eRepublik struck me. I decided to search for the players I like and consider them important looking at their game achievements. I first looked at Spain which would be my first choice if for some reason I had to leave Romania. Of course Durruti was my first pick. So here we are with a coffee [or lasagna cause Durru might be hungry] in front of us, starting a nice chat.

Oh hai, Durru! Thank you for accepting to answer my questions
I guess the regular questions are meant to be asked, I bet many Romanians would like to know who Durruti is so let's proceed. Where are you from, how old are you and what do you do RL?

Granada, 20, medicine student

How did you start playing this game and why did you chose &quot😉urruti" to be the name of your citizen?
Some RL friends suggested me to join an online game in order to help them with the new party they have create😛 Bloque Obrero. As it had a far-left orientation, I decided to take the name of one important and historical person of the RL spanish far-left. I have to say I never thought in playing seriously this game...

I first met you when i was an ambassador of Romania in Spain and then on alliedforces during my terms as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Could you tell the readers a little about your eRepublik activity? As far as I know you were a Spanish president, a member of the EDEN HQ and one of the military advisers of Spain.
During the beta I was one month president of Bloque Obrero party, 2 straight months congress for that party too and 2 months mayor of Sevilla. In V1 I've been 6 months coronel of the army, several months MoD adviser and congressman, three months Spain's vice-president, MoF of Norway and Spain one month, president of Spain in December and EDEN HQ member in January, till shoot's resignation. I think I don't forget anything 😛

What was the most important moment for you in eRepublik? Could it be the time you won the presidential elections in Spain?
Well, the presidency was one of my best moments in eR, but when we erased France of the map in the 1st day of CFGauss presidency in February was probably my best moment here.

I always wondered... What was the reason of your sudden ragequit some months ago? I remember seeing your citizen dying and your "R.I.P" avatar, many people felt sad that day.
Because admins tempbanned me 3 days and permabanned 2 of my orgs without any reason, as I luckily demonstrated 2 months and a half later...

What made you come back?
See how people didn't want to see me leaving the game. They didn't allow me to quit this drug... :_

Would you run for president again and be in the spotlight once more? Or accept another nomination for a seat in EDEN HQ?
I couldn't answer that now. All would depend of the situation.

You have all medals on your profile and 54 Battle Hero medals. What number would you like to reach for those hero medals?
Taking in consideration I won't be able to reach BattalGazi in BH medals, all the ones I could achieved would be welcomed 😛

Romania and Spain are allies, but many times, from my experience (Slopes XD), some Spanish citizens tend to dislike Romanians. Is that really based on our RL problems?
Perhaps some people bring here RL prejudgments, but I think the mayority of the "troubles" that have been in Spa-Ro relations were due to last andyr's presidency.

What is your opinion concerning the current situation between EDEN and PHOENIX? Both alliances are waiting for V2 and no operations are taking place. Would it be wise to start an offensive now, considering the fact that you are a beta tester and you had the chance to see how things might go with the new war module?
I think it's necessary to have some movement referring to wars. If we don't do it: a) people will die due to boredom; b) economy will crash (they already have started to do it) due to the huge stocks companies are making. And indeed, ofc, taking in consideration although some people will know how works the new war module, I think conquer new regions will be hard in the first days for the simple reason normal citizens will be lost at the battlefield.

Could you name some of the people you like and are important to you in this game?
I'll have to mention a lot of people. I hope I don't forget anybody here: in Spain, all the "movimientarios", Kaylee, Torancito, skr...; and for other countries: shoot, Lilla_T, Gaius, Cerber, vingaer, reboot, Terje Hansen, Roby Petric, you... (the list wouldn't end 😛)

Do you have a message for the Romanian citizens and for me?
We must destroy Hungary. And for you: <3

It was my pleasure,