We are Dio. You are Dio. I am Dio. Who is Dio?

Day 933, 12:22 Published in USA USA by Gulden Draak

In your first few days of eLife in this country, you will surely be introduced to Dio in some way, shape, or form. However, your first Dio encounter will likely be through a shout or a comment related to a newspaper article. This will probably leave you with a bunch of unanswered questions. Who is Dio? Why do people say, "We are Dio. You are Dio. I am Dio?" What possesses someone to write DIO DIO DIO DIO over and over again as a comment? The purpose of this article is to clear up some of these questions associated with Dio. Also towards to the end of this article, I will address the sources of anger that lead to a hatred of Dio and Dioism which is the religion based around him. Before I get all the tl;dr comments, I understand that this article is long but it is an important issue in our nation and if we can come to an agreement on the issue we can build a stronger community . On that note, let us begin our journey into the world of Dio:


Dio refers to the erepublik citizen Dio Brando . Dio Brando is the deity or God of the religion known as Dioism. Dio Brando is also the God Emperor of the Holy Empire of Pakistan. Dio Brando has a newspaper called God’s Hand and he also has a good erepublik Wikipedia article written about him, which can be found here . If you look at the profile of Dio Brando, you will notice that he has a relatively low strength and has only fought twice in his entire eLife. Dio Brando was able to accomplish what he desired without fighting .

Given the way the game is currently played, it is unusual that Dio Brando was able to accomplish so much and it is this mystery that drives citizens to follow the religion. Dio Brando as mentioned above, is the God Emperor of the Holy Empire of Pakistan which is considered to be the first empire in this game. At its height, the empire of Pakistan included Pakistan, India, and China. It should be noted that game mechanics were different back then though. For instance, Dio Brando was able to PTO China because back then there was no citizenship and a citizen could just simply move to any country and vote. Part of Dio Brando’s success was due to the exploitation of game rules that existed at the time. However, what Dio Brando accomplished was really quite remarkable. Once Dio Brando was out of power, the Holy Empire of Pakistan fell into steep decline. So while game mechanics were exploitable, what Dio Brando accomplished was still very significant and his actions still influence the eWorld we live in now.


As mentioned above, Dio Brando is the deity of the religion known as Dioism. Like any religion, Dioism has a text which is known as The Book of Dio. If you would like to read The Book of Dio you can find it here . Besides The Book of Dio, there are also several other topics related to Dioism that are on the Wikipedia that you should read if you are interested. Anything you want to know of Dioism can be found on the Wikipedia or in the newspaper of Dio Brando.


Dio Brando and the religion of Dioism, has come under criticism and has even caused hatred in many playing this game. I would like to end this article by addressing some of the misconceptions associated with Dioism to help give others a better understanding of the beliefs associated with the religion.

On conversion - Many Dioists and non-Dioists are under the impression that everyone should convert to the religion of Dioism. Those that do not convert should be shunned and treated as less of a player. This is not true . To prove my point I will take a quote from the latest article written by Dio Brando. He says, “Should we force our beliefs upon others? Should we judge other, not by their actions, but by their beliefs? All these questions have the same answer. And I regret the fact that a lot of people would give me the wrong answer.” The answer to these questions is of course No, but as Dio has said many would say the answer is Yes. Dioism is about spreading a message, not forcing people to convert to it. Those that choose to convert will convert and those that do not should not be forced to .

On trolling - Many citizens are frustrated by the trolling that is commonly associated with Dioism. They see DIO DIO DIO repeated over and over again as a nuisance and as stupid. To address this point I will take a quote from the comments section of Dio’s latest article that was spoken by Dio himself: “The art of trolling exists to test others. If they do not pass the test, and succumb to weakness, the trolls win. Trolls thrive on the anger and hate of others, while trying to cleanse themselves of such emotions. I do not appreciate the act of trolling other fellow Dioists, neither do I find it humorous to insult others belief in god, but in the end, it is all words. Words that are not even serious”. As you can see from above, trolls merely want to elicit a response from you. When you give them that response they win. For instance, many consider Pizza The Hut to be a troll in this country. Many claim to hate the guy and wish he would leave the country. However, whenever he publishes an article there are always several comments. Those that comment have succumbed to the desires of Pizza. They have fed the troll and the troll has won . Trolls feed on attention and without that attention they will disappear. Many who troll in the Dioist faith, are young believers and if you do not feed their trolling they will go away. If you want trolls to leave you do not feed them. If you want to get rid of a troll do not give them the attention they crave and eventually they will seek a new outlet where they can get that attention.

Real life bias - Sorry I know this article is getting long so I promise this is the last point. Another reason people hate Dioism is because of the real life conceptions they have about religion. Bringing real life bias into a fictional setting is always unwise . Many hate religion in real life and choose to bring that hate into this fictional game. People in this game choose to bring real life into eRep life when they are clearly two different realms. The Book of Dio, is fictional and it is to be applied in a fictional setting such as this one and not outside this setting. When playing this game please leave real life bias at the door. Dioism does not seek to persecute as many real life religions do. Dioism does not seek forced conversion as many real life religions do. . Dioism is a fictional religion for a fictional setting. The admins only gave us basic rules for this game. For instance the admins did not create the military branches or all the different branches we have in our government. These are all things we created through our creativity. They are things that are intended to enhance the game play. Dioism is the same way, it is an expression of creativity meant to enhance the game not hinder it.

I apologize for the length once again. Until next time…….

Stay thirsty my friends,

Gulden Draak