Au Revoir

Day 926, 22:10 Published in Canada Canada by Jacobi
Au Revoir

It's been fun, Canada, but much like that last party guest snacking on the remaining doritos, its time for me to go. When the new President is inaugurated on June 6th, I will take my leave.

After two wars, defiling the constitution, killing grandmas and generally being a dick, I'm happy I'm not going out like this

Why? In a nutshell because there's nothing left for me to do here but do the things I've already done. Staying in Canada and contesting elections, grabbing positions, playing power-broker only deprives another, theoretically newer, citizen from having his chance in the sun. And to do what? Feed my ego? Beat Dio's record? I'd need a motivation beyond indignation about how this country has been run without me at the helm or an insatiable need to have my ego stroked. That and I've noticed that the well of goodwill I need to draw from to maintain myself politically has got a bit dry. ; ) And while I could point out that since my election we haven't had a President capable or willing to stay more than 31 days, I do actually have a feeling that in a couple days that's about to change.

My thanks to my diehard supporters. I seriously can't express enough how much your good faith and support has meant to me. There were many times and situations where I placed myself in positions that did not lend themselves to popular acclaim. Knowing there were people that had my back when the going got tough got me through more than you'd know. Those who trusted my judgement, even when it wasn't popular to do so, have my eternal thanks and gratitude. You know who you are : )

Where to next?

Not sure, probably the States, maybe South Africa....not likely to find myself in a non-english speaking country but I've always loved my brothers in Spain. We'll see I suppose.

Anyways, thanks for the memories, eCanada, thanks for the hospitality, and thank you for making me the player I am today.

Au revoir,

John “Jacobi” Carpenter