zamrg for president!

Day 920, 03:27 Published in South Africa Sweden by zamrg" />

I'm zamrg and I'd like to announce my candidacy for the Presidency of South Africa under the Independent Alternative banner. I've written quite an elaborate TL😉R article; however I believe the citizens of South Africa deserve to know exactly who and what they're voting for before casting their vote in the upcoming elections.


I was born in the 2nd Republik in occupied Western Cape which was under Indonesian rule at the time. I spent many days working and saving up cash for a moving ticket before I made my way to Gauteng, our then fortress region. It wasn't long after my arrival that I witnessed one of our most brutal political take-overs which obliterated our country from the map. The Brazilians had infiltrated congress with a majority to impeach President Gabriel Borien and get their own candidate in the presidential chair, allowing them to retreat our regions to Brazil and Indonesia.

A huge number of South African citizens evacuated to Florida, US which became our home during the complete occupation. I followed the masses and spent over 8 months in the United States Armed Forces serving as a Private, Seargant & Lieutenant across 3 different military branches; the Training Division, Army and Airborne. When South Africa was later brought back on the map, I soon returned home and accepted the positions as Captain of the Pretorian Guard 2nd Company, which I served for 4 months, and Minister of Intelligence which I held for 3 terms under 2 different presidencies, Steven Bosch's and Enoch Root's. I was instrumental in aiding in anti-take-over efforts against both Ajay Bruno and the channers, running the new Department of Immigration and all in all, keeping our country safe.

I was then offered the highest ranking military position, General and Chief of Staff of the South African Armed Forces which I held for 3 terms. These were arguably some of the most troublesome times since the 2nd Republik as our country was once again faced with a political take-over from the channers that eventually lead to our complete destruction and evacuation to Australia. I assisted in operations planning and execution of many joint allied missions that led to the complete liberation of South Africa and ultimately brought us to the flourishing position that we're in now.

At the end of the Great Southern War and successful liberation of South Africa, I stepped down as Chief of Staff and accepted the less taxing position of Vice President under mulderpf's current term where I've been able to get some r&r.

Foreign Policy

I would like to maintain our current pro EDEN and BRO stance and continue to strengthen our relationships with our allies as well as hopefully build new ones with nations that hold similar values and ideals to ours. We've long crossed over that line of neutrality and have clearly picked our side, declaring war, fighting imperialism & oppression and showing our enemies that we won't bend over without a fight.

I will continue our talks with major alliances, strengthen ties with member nations and push for South Africa to formally commit herself to a super-alliance or protective alliance. We may be a small fish in a massive pond but we've certainly proven our economic value, our commitment to fight a common enemy, our military's might in relation to our country's population and just the general awesome vibe that we as a small country emit." />


I come from a strong military background having served the majority of my life in multiple military groups both as a soldier and a leader. I would like to see the continued growth of the South Africa Armed Forces under the leadership of Chief of Staff Tronyx. I believe our military has built itself into a well oiled, self-sufficient fighting machine that is capable of leaving more than just a dent in a wall. I aim to maintain sufficient military funding and will push for increased funding should the military justify such a request. I will ensure that they are able to operate effectively at a level intended by the Chief of Staff not only with adequate funding, but also with full support and backing from the Executive Branch. The military is one of the most important elements of a successful country since it serves to protect and fend off enemies, it strengthens foreign relations, it aids in player retention and it introduces citizens to the wonderful community that is inherent in such an organisational structure." />


I don't have the necessary knowledge of in-game economics to specifically identify areas of our economy that need to be improved. It certainly isn't my strong point which is why I proposed the idea of an Economic Council to congress last term, an advisory group that would discuss economic related issues and changes in tax rates before proposing such changes to congress.

I do however know that our very real labour deficit, brought about by our low population, is hampering the growth of our country, the profitability of many local industries given current wage levels and the market price of goods given the low level of demand and consumption. I believe that our population is our biggest constraint, which is why I will do whatever is needed to boost our population by means of a program run by our Department of Tourism to attract foreign workers as well as a baby-boom effort by the Ministry of Social Development.

I will also strive to maintain a balance in taxes, sufficient to back the financial requirements of government and military but at the same time, remain attractive to the citizens of our country." />

Domestic Policy

As previously mentioned, our low population is seriously hampering the growth of our country in terms of both economic and military power. I aim to try and solve this through a baby-boom effort that will hopefully yield results during my term, or at least lay the foundation for my successors. I don't want to give too much away but I'd like to make use of extensive advertising campaigns, local community websites and social networking to spread awareness of eRepublik and the awesome community that we have here in eSouth Africa.

I plan to also work on player retention by opening up more departmental positions for younger citizens, having a solid educational system and also providing more entertainment value to citizens through government run fun activities and programs. I will also do my best to spread awareness of the "greater" community outside the game which is enhanced by communication mediums such as our IRC channel and forums." />


I've put so much time and effort into this country, as a citizen, soldier and member of cabinet; however I'd now like the opportunity to continue my work as President of South Africa and would be honoured if you would vote for me in the upcoming presidential elections. I personally believe that I've proved myself a worthy candidate for the position and I can only hope that you, my fellow citizens, feel the same way.


~ Vice President for 2 terms (06/03/2010 - 😉
~ Pvt. of Assegai, 1st Company, 1st Platoon (06/05/2010 - 😉
~ Administrator on the eSouth Africa National Forum
~ Developer of the eSouth Africa Broadcast

~ Former Chief of Staff of the South African Armed Forces (18/02/2010 - 05/05/2010)
~ Former Intelligence Officer (06/12/09 to 05/01/2010)
~ Former Cap. of the Pretorian Guard, 2nd Company (22/10/09 - 23/02/2010)
~ Former Minister of Intelligence for 3 terms (06/09/09 to 05/12/09)" />