Thank you heroes!

Day 891, 06:24 Published in Romania Hungary by csuzliszem

I must say, you're our best friends! You've just liberated us, by taking that whiny little cat from us. She was nothing, but a liar parasite on our great country. And you killed her. I'm fighting with my tears. Tears of joy!

Her eyes... Oh those beautiful, charming eyes... Those made us crazy. She promised us so much, and gave nothing. She sai😛 „I'll make you rich, and mighty!”, but she took everything, we were poorer than the last beggar in a slum. And then: „Protect me, you need me!, yeah, we believed that lie also. But now - thanks to you - our eyes are open. We see now, that she's a demon. Some of us knew that earlier, but now, everyone can see it. And we didn't even realize that Kitty is a MATZA-demon! So obvious...

Let me show you, how did she look like to us:

This is her true face:

Yeah, a MATZA-demon! The worst kind of demons! Kitty made us work like slaves in her dark and dirty mines for some food and weapons, only to protect her. These mines are not in the neighborhood, the distance is about 8000 kilometers. Imagine, how tired our workers are.
So we need some active rest. We're planning a vacation to some cool places.

I also want to thank you for visiting our beautiful country, we had great time with you. Now it's our turn to visit our fellow lifesavers, we gladly accept you invitation. We have some stuff to do at home (cleaning up after that bastard cat), but after it we happily hit the road. Remember our last visit in December? We had to go home early because of this MATZA-demon. This time we'll stay a little longer, if you don't mind.

Thank you Romania! You're our heroes!

just woke up from Kitty's enchantment

[By the way, congratulations on the fight in KItty]